All About Me: Hexagonal Doodle Blocks

I have been implementing hexagonal block activities in my classroom for the past couple of years and wanted to find a way to utilize them at the beginning of the year. Because our students will all be returning in person, the “All About Me: Hexagonal Doodle Blocks” will be a great way to ease them back from remote/cyber learning and help all of us reestablish relationships with this creative, hands-on activity.


  • Copies of the Doodle Blocks
  • Colored Markers or Pencils
  • Scissors
  • Butcher Paper or Large Construction Paper
  • Glue


  • Because I teach several elective classes, I tailored the prompts to each of the courses I teach. Therefore, you may have to edit them to make them work for the courses you teach, but mine should give you an idea of what to include.
  • If you are new to hexagonal thinking, I would encourage you to watch this short video titled, Hexagonal Thinking Introduction.
  • Begin by giving each student the guidesheet and a doodle block template. Go over the prompts with the students to be sure they understand what each is and what they need to do and include.
  • Using colored markers or pencils, students begin sketching and creating their answers with doodles, images and creative fonts.
  • In the center block, students are to creatively draw a selfie! I stress big time to my students that I am NOT grading them on their artistic abilities! This helps them to relax and do their best work.
  • Once students have their doodle blocks completed, they cut them out.
  • I lay out a huge piece of butcher paper and explain to students that the purpose of hexagonal blocks is to make connections to as many sides as you can with one minimum, but 6 possible maximum. For example, many of you may play soccer so that would be a connection of something you share or have in common.
  • Have students discuss their doodle blocks and lay them down on the butcher paper, making as many connections as possible. When they are satisfied, they add some glue and secure them in place.
  • Now students have to choose at least one connection (they could add more, if time permits) they made and draw an arrow to them on the butcher paper and in the margin explain the connection, adding their name or initials. Because this is the same strategy used with hexagonal learning, it gets them prepared for how this works when the strategy is implemented later in other lessons or units.
  • Hang the visual in your room or hallway for all to see and wonder what you are up to!


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