Category: Technology

Child Safety: Mystery Powder Identification

When teaching about safety in child development, it’s important to discuss mystery substances that may or may not be toxic, but look like a variety of possibilities. The Child Safety: Mystery Powder Identification is a quick little activity where students observe substances via pictures and try to identify the substance.  Not as easy as you might think! Read on to see how this works…

From Tower to Table: What’s GROWING ON in FCS?

Farm-to-table is a phrase that is often discussed in the Family and Consumer Sciences classroom especially in Foods & Nutrition or culinary coursework. The termcan mean different things but at its core, farm-to-table means that the food prepared and served was sourced directly from a specific farm, without going through a store, market, or distributor along the way. In an effort to provide students in her Foods & Nutrition classes with real-world, hands-on experiences while learning about and developing healthy eating habits, Sasha Roble from Pennsylvania introduced aeroponics into her curriculum with countertop gardens and a Tower Garden System. Continue reading From Tower to Table: What’s GROWING ON in FCS? to learn more!

Truth & Fib Activities

To help reinforce the information and content you are teaching about, have students help create fun, interactive games with Truth & Fib Activities that are student created reviews. OR teacher created review Truth & Fib Activities as a way to connect students to the materials you want them to work with interactively.

Fiber-Full Food Choices: # Mania Infographic

In the past, I’ve shared some of the EduProtocol teaching strategies and templates such as the Iron Chef Non-Cooking Challenges, Thin Slides and the Amazing
Race that were well received by students. Today, I want to share how I used the # Mania Infographic strategy with you.  The Fiber-Full Food Choices: # Mania Infographic was created for use in my nutrition unit. This strategy incorporates technology and has students very engaged as there’s a lot going on simultaneously within small groups of students to create one infographic about fiber filled foods.

Canvas Stitching Project

If you teach an interior design, textile or sewing class, you are going to love this Canvas Stitching Project shared by Katelyn Propper. In this project, inspired by something she saw on Facebook, students get to choose a design, color plan and then hand-stitch it culminating in a beautiful canvas that is display worthy in the home or classroom! Read on to learn more…

Breakfast Lesson: Part I

Who knew there could be so much information out there to teach about breakfast, but there is! I guess when you’re deemed the “most important meal of the day,” there’s a lot to learn and/or teach! In this “Breakfast Lesson: Part I,” the theory behind why breakfast matters and how to create a healthy breakfast will be shared. A lab applying the information will be shared in Part II, so you’ll have to stay tuned!

First Apartment: Living Room Budget Project

Many young people today think they are going to go out there and have their “dream” apartment (like they see on TV), complete with top of the line furnishings, etc.  Realistically, most will find they will be grateful for any free or hand-me-down furnishings (although they don’t realize that now).  I wanted students to create a “dream” living room where money was no object.  Their furnishings were based on their personal style, using the web-based technology Polyvore Home and they had to keep a list of expenses. Then, they had to replicate the room on a reduced budget as closely as possible using online department stores, again keeping track of their expenses.  Not only did this project end up being an eye-opener for them in terms of cost, but they learned they could have a similar look, spending much less money. Oh, and did I mention, they also had a lot of fun “decorating and shopping” for a period or two!

MyPlate: What’s Missing?

After learning about MyPlate and all of the food groups, I wanted students to analyze some meals to determine which food groups were present and which were not. Updating and adapting an old worksheet turned into this “MyPlate: What’s Missing?” activity utilizing 1:1 technology, via QR Codes. Additionally, it got students up moving around, breaking up a 43 minute class period!

Meal Planning & Meal Prepping Lesson

What’s the difference between meal planning & meal prepping? This Meal Planning & Meal Prepping Lesson explores each of these in a variety of engaging ways! Read on to learn more…

Fad Diets “Among Us”

Are your students obsessed with the video game “Among Us”? Mine are! So, I thought if I used a concept from the game in a lesson, it would pique their interest! Fad Diets “Among Us” does just that as students learn about “sus” claims that are touted by fad diets. The lesson continues as students learn how to spot fad diets and utilize what they’ve learned as they analyze a fad diet advertisement.