Tag: Review Activity

Engaging Ways to Teach Sewing Pattern Symbols

Engaging Ways to Teach Sewing Pattern Symbols shows you how you can teach sewing pattern symbols in a variety of hands-on, engaging ways. Every class is different!  I’ve found, in my experience, that sometimes you need options for teaching as an activity that works well in one class may not work successfully in another. So check out the options below and choose one or more to try with your students when teaching about pattern symbols.

Plant-Based Rummy Card Game

In my opinion, two heads are always better than one!  When Arlene DeJoy-Meckes of Twins & Teaching reached out about collaborating on an activity for plant
based diets, I was excited to collaborate! The Plant-Based Rummy Card Game is a free resource reinforcement activity and assessment that can be used when teaching about plant-based diets. Read on to see what we developed!

Truth & Fib Activities

To help reinforce the information and content you are teaching about, have students help create fun, interactive games with Truth & Fib Activities that are student created reviews. OR teacher created review Truth & Fib Activities as a way to connect students to the materials you want them to work with interactively.

P.I.E.S: Puzzle Piece Activity

I love when teachers take ideas from the website and add to them!  That is exactly what Shannon Stevens, a FCS teacher from Ohio, did with my P.I.E.S: The Areas
of Development lesson. Shannon created the P.I.E.S: Puzzle Piece Activity to use with students in her Child Development class. She wanted to add a component for the students to share their knowledge of P.I.E.S. along with something that could be displayed in the classroom for other classes to enjoy. Additionally, she wanted a technology free activity!

Food Safety: Web-Activity & Review

You might wonder why I have so many lessons and/or activities for the same topic. The truth is I teach three different classes where I need to cover “food safety” before I let students go into the lab/kitchen. I don’t want to do the same thing in each of those classes because many of my students I see again for other electives, hence, the need for variety! Even if you don’t teach multiple courses like I do, you may just want to shake up your own lesson or add this Food Safety: Web-Activity & Review to your arsenal of resources for future use!

Towering Block ZONK Review Game

There’s an App in the iTunes store called the “Zonk Review Game”. It looked like a fun, interactive game. Unfortunately, there was a small fee to purchase which made it a “no go” for me as my school district doesn’t pay for Apps. I started asking myself how I could adapt this game using games I already had…and guess what? I figured out that I could use my towering block games as a substitute for the digital game. The beauty of this adaptation is that it’s still interactive, still competitive and easy to create and use. And if that wasn’t enough…this activity gets bonus points because I can reuse it over and over again in any content area. Read on to find out how you too can adapt and create this game for your own classroom review games.

Equipment Activities: What am I?

My classroom runs much smoother when my students are engaged in interactive activities. That’s one of the reasons why I POST.IT.NOTESlove these activities! The first is a fun little game that gets students up, moving around and tests their knowledge of basic equipment used in the kitchen, the sewing room, or the nursery. All you need is a list of equipment and some post-it-notes or index cards. This activity can be prepared as a one time use activity or you can make reusable cards with yarn. This activity is very versatile and can be used like a pretest to see what students know about the basic equipment used in each area or it could be used as a review activity after teaching about them. Another fun review game is played on the laptop or electronic devices such as phones, ipads, tablets, etc. using a web-based technology called Kahoot. Students beg to play this fun, interactive game and are very competitive. Try them out and be prepared to see your students engaged, learning and having fun all at the same time!

#Hashtag Pregnancy Review

Are you looking for a way to learn or review the changes that take place during pregnancy in a creative, concise way? Hashtag.ReviewIf so, this #HashTag pregnancy review/activity is just for you! Tap into the power of social media (Twitter & Facebook) and use #hashtags. Students can summarize or review what they learn about the changes taking place during pregnancy in short, creative phrases. It’s fun to watch and listen as students create their #Hashtag phrases. They also love sharing their creations aloud and by writing them on the SMARTBOARD the next day. This activity will naturally get you coming up with fun, clever hashtag phrases to keep them on task (your students will think you are so COOL and current)!