#Hashtag Pregnancy Review

Are you looking for a way to learn or review the changes that take place during pregnancy in a creative, concise way? Hashtag.ReviewIf so, this #HashTag pregnancy review/activity is just for you!  Tap into the power of social media (Twitter & Facebook) and use #hashtags. Students can summarize or review what they learn about the changes taking place during pregnancy in short, creative phrases. It’s fun to watch and listen as students create their #Hashtag phrases. They also love sharing their creations aloud and by writing them on the SMARTBOARD the next day.  This activity will naturally get you coming up with fun, clever hashtag phrases to keep them on task (your students will think you are so COOL and current)!


  • Identify and explain what occurs during each month of the prenatal development.
  • Describe the changes that affect a woman during each stage of pregnancy.


  • After teaching students about conception and signs of pregnancy, it’s time to look at what happens during pregnancy to mom and the developing baby.  The Developing Child textbook has some great charts that give an overview of the month by month changes that take place with the developing fetus as well as the mother’s pregnancy developments.  If you don’t have that textbook or another one with featured charts there are some great resources online that can be easily substituted. This activity can be used to learn about the changes that take place in both developing baby and mother or it can be used as a review activity.  Either way it gets students looking at and thinking about everything that is going on during pregnancy. #Havefun!




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