Submit a Worksheet or PowerPoint exists to give back to the community of F.C.S professionals and our future Family Consumer Science teachers. The idea for the site came after I finished student teaching and realized how much I wanted to help other new and experienced Family Consumer Science teachers by categorizing and sharing lessons, ideas, strategies, etc. At the very beginning of my student teaching experience I remember feeling so overwhelmed because I had to teach areas of FACS that were my weakest. I was so relieved when I stumbled upon the Utah Education Network’s website that published many different lesson plans with the supporting materials that I was inspired to create a resource that was similar but allowed for more community interaction and contribution. I believe that teachers spend too much time trying to reinvent things that have already been done but are not available to them. We struggle alone often times not realizing that people that are more experienced have already done what we have been struggling with and have real answers. That is why I desire to categorize and freely share lessons and supporting materials so that teachers across the country can spend more time perfecting and tailoring lessons than having to create ones that already exist.

    Note: Please only submit worksheets & PowerPoints that are your original work.

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    Tell us about your teaching experience

    How long have you been teaching Family Consumer Sciences? (required)

    What Grade Level do you currently teach? (required)

    What state do you teach in? (required)

    By submitting this lesson plan, document, or PowerPoint you are giving permission to publish your work on