Food Safety: Web-Activity & Review

You might wonder why I have so many lessons and/or activities for the same topic. The truth is I teach three different classes where I need to cover “food safety” before I let students go into the lab/kitchen. I don’t want to do the same thing in each of those classes because many of my students I see again for other electives, hence, the need for variety! Even if you don’t teach multiple courses like I do, you may just want to shake up your own lesson or add this Food Safety: Web-Activity & Review to your arsenal of resources for future use!


  • If introducing this topic for the first time, ask students what the letters “FBI” stand for. (I guarantee you’ll get a lot “federal bureau of investigation responses!) If this lesson is being used as a review, ask the same question and see if students remember that it stands for “food borne illness”.
  • Assign student the web-activity “Be Food Safe: Protect Yourself from Food Poisoning” which can be found below as a hard copy I saved from the web-resource.


  • iPads or Laptop
  • Play-doh (affiliate link)
  • Toothpicks & Task Cards


  • After students have finished the web-activity, place them into small groups and give them a task card and 3 colors of play-doh and some toothpicks.
  • Students must use the play-doh/toothpicks to construct a creative sculpture that represents their task card topic.
  • In addition, students must write a summary that includes information about their topic and an explanation of their sculpture. For easy clean up and reuse, you may want to place the task cards in laminated sheet protectors (affiliate link) and use dry erase markers (affiliate link).
  • Groups must work quickly and collaboratively as they only have 12 minutes to complete their task and they present to the whole class.
  • Students in the audience, must listen carefully and/or take notes, if desired, because this is their review before the assessment.
  • Now, it’s time for the Haiku writing portion of this assignment which is an individual assignment.
    • First explain what Haiku poetry is, how it’s set up and share an example or two with your students.
    • Students can refer to their notes as they create their Haiku in a Google Slide which is then shared with me in Google Classroom. Other tech platforms such as Canva could also be used or students can hand-generate them.
    • I then print off their Haiku’s and hang them throughout the labs/ kitchens (after the quiz/test) as visual reminders to practice food safety.


Additional Food Safety Lessons

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