Category: Health & Wellness

“UnBoxing” Video Topics for the FACS Content

I recently watched an episode of Adobe for Education and Matt Miller author of Ditch that Textbook (affiliate link) was on as a special guest. This episode focused on being creative while teaching remotely. His advice was to think outside the box, provide a fun twist when asking students to recall or share what they’ve learned about a particular topic. He suggested students share what they’ve learned in an unboxing video! How creative is that! My wheels started turning and I thought of so many ways that this could be used in our content. So join me, if you will, as I share “Unboxing Video Topics for the FACS Content! As always, if you have other ideas or you develop a specific project or assignment, please share and I will add them to the list!

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Whole Grains: Group Assignment using Google Forms & Zoom

I had the privilege of meeting Darci Friberg in person, last summer while presenting at the Missouri FACS Conference! Darci uses a lot of technology when teaching her students and she shared back with me a way to take a traditional group activity and turn it into a digital activity using Google Forms and Zoom breakout rooms. The whole grain group assignment using Google Forms & Zoom is an alternate way to complete the original group assignment in the Whole Grains lesson in case your school is going virtual or blended with teaching in the future.

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43 Minute Lab Series: Blueberry Pancakes

After noticing continuous requests for lab suggestions that are doable in 43 minute class periods, I’ve decided to do a recurring series, featuring recipes that can be completed from beginning to end in a 43 minute time frame. In some cases, longer recipes will broken into two day labs. In addition, I will include my pre-lab review questions that pertain specifically to the recipe. This helps to ensure that students are reading the recipe. It also allows me time to show any videos that may demonstrate the product or specific techniques. So, without further ado, I present the 43 Minute Lab Series: Blueberry Pancakes!

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43 Minute Lab Series: Mini-Cheesy Garlic Bread

After noticing continuous requests for lab suggestions that are doable in 43 minute class periods, I’ve decided to do a recurring series featuring recipes that can be completed from beginning to end in a 43 minute time frame. In addition, I will include my pre-lab review questions that pertain specifically to the recipe. This helps to ensure that students are reading the recipe. It also allows me time to show any videos that may demonstrate the product or specific techniques. So, without further ado, I present the first recipe in the 43 Minute Lab Series: Mini-Cheesy Garlic Bread!

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KWL Vegetarianism E-Learning Activity

Under normal teaching conditions, I teach my mini-unit on vegetarianism in a completely different way! Having to teach remotely, however, forced me to develop the KWL Vegetarianism E-Learning activity in order to cover the material. Students learn about various types of vegetarians, explore reasons people choose to become vegetarian along with the pros and cons and then students must take a stance. So, if you teach this topic, check out the KWL Vegetarianism E-Learning activity!

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Grain Bowl E-Learning Assignment

THANK YOU to Nikki Heflin for sharing her Grain Bowl E-Learning Assignment! This is a wonderful collection of notes, assignments and lab options! I can’t express how happy it makes my heart that so many of you are willing to share your ideas so that we may all get through this distance learning together and successfully! As I always say, “Let’s be Great Together”! If you are collecting flex lessons, I hope you add this Grain Bowl E-Learning assignment to it!

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Kitchen Tools E-Learning Assignment

Since no one is quite sure what the next school year will look like, I’ve been working on updating some of my lessons for remote learning…just in case! This Kitchen Tools E-Learning Assignment comes to you early as I had a teacher request for some engaging ways to teach kitchen tools remotely. Not only can this Kitchen Tools E-Learning assignment be used in remote learning, but could also be used in the regular classroom.

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Gardenscape Bread Art

With more time on my hands due to COVID-19, I find myself in the kitchen more frequently, experimenting with new recipes. Inspired by something a friend sent me, I decided to give gardenscape bread art a try. Whoever said bread has to be boring never tried this form of art! If you like your students to be creative and engaged, I’ve got just the lesson, activity and recipe for you! I am assigning this to my students as an enrichment E-Learning activity, but when I’m back in the classroom, you can bet gardenscape bread art will be part of my foods class as a creative lab!

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Cooking Challenges

Inspired by Leslie Williams Grantham’s Ramen Noodle Challenge (THANK YOU), I created several more Cooking Challenges for my students to experiment with at home for an E-Learning assignment. Additional cooking challenges all follow the same format as Leslie’s, but use different foods. Check out the challenges below…I can’t wait to see what my students create!

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Microwave Cooking E-Learning Assignment

The Microwave Cooking E-Learning assignment is an assignment I updated for my students so they could complete it digitally, in Google Classroom. This Microwave Cooking E-Learning assignment takes students through a variety of concepts related to microwave cooking such how the appliance works, the benefits of cooking this way, safety, standing time and demonstrations of microwave mug friendly recipes.

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