43 Minute Lab Series: Mini-Cheesy Garlic Bread

After noticing continuous requests for lab suggestions that are doable in 43 minute class periods, I’ve decided to do a recurring series, featuring recipes that can be completed from beginning to end in a 43 minute time frame. In some cases, longer recipes will broken into two day labs. In addition, I will include my pre-lab review questions that pertain specifically to the recipe. This helps to ensure that students are reading the recipe. It also allows me time to show any videos that may demonstrate the product or specific techniques. So, without further ado, I present the first recipe in the 43 Minute Lab Series: Mini-Cheesy Garlic Bread!

Teachable Concepts

  • Preparation Terms
  • Kitchen Tools
  • Parts of a Recipe

Pre-Lab Activities

  • Students will already have covered kitchen tools and equipment. If you need ideas for teaching this topic, you might want to check out the Kitchen Tools E-Learning Assignment. The activities within that post can also be taught in a traditional classroom.
  • Students will also have learned about the parts of a recipe and annotated one in class, demonstrating their knowledge of the concept.
  • I like to break down prep terms as they apply to specific recipes. So even though we’ve discussed the basic areas of preparation terms (cooking, blending, cutting, coating, and other), I don’t require students to define them until we actually use them in a recipe.
  • One way to introduce the vocabulary or prep terms for this recipe is to give a pretest. We go over the actual answers as a class and students record the correct answers. The same document can also be used as a post test at the end of the unit. If you wanted to quiz students digitally, you could create a post test in Google Forms or on Quizizz and have it graded for you. It just requires a little time to set up, but can be reused, saving time at the copy machine.
  • Students can then practice the terms if necessary, using their hard copy or they can create a quizlet set of flashcards. Sometimes I make a review Quizlet set for them and we review together, playing Quizlet Live at the beginning or end of class when time permits.
  • I have found that if I create a set of pre-lab questions that correspond to the recipe and pertain to the concepts learned in class, students do much better in the actual lab. If I just hand them a copy of the recipe and verbally discuss, they don’t do so well because they weren’t listening and/or paying attention.
  • The recipe I’m sharing is Mini-Cheesy Garlic Bread and in it I substitute hotdog buns for French or Italian bread. I do this for a couple of reasons. One…this is how my mother made garlic bread all the time for my sisters and I as we were growing up. She always had hotdog buns in the freezer so they were easy to substitute and use in making individual mini-cheesy garlic bread. Second…the grocery store that I purchase my groceries from, has a bakery, but often sell out of the freshly baked French and Italian breads, therefore, hotdog buns are an easy substitution and something students are likely to have in their pantries or freezers. Third, hotdog buns are cheaper to buy than the freshly baked bread so it helps extend my food budget and I can easily pass out the number of buns needed and freeze the rest for another day if necessary.
  • Don’t have hotdog buns? Hamburger buns are an easy substitution!


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