43 Minute Lab Series: Cloud Eggs

After noticing continuous requests for lab suggestions that are doable in 43 minute class periods, I’ve decided to do a recurring series, featuring recipes that can be completed from beginning to end in a 43 minute time frame. In some cases, longer recipes will broken into two day labs. In addition, I will include my pre-lab review questions that pertain specifically to the recipe. This helps to ensure that students are reading the recipe. It also allows me time to show any videos that may demonstrate the product or specific techniques. So, without further ado, I present the first recipe in the 43 Minute Lab Series: Cloud Eggs!

Teachable Concepts

  • Egg Unit: Nutrition, Preparation Methods, Egg Science, Beating Egg Whites
  • The Importance of Breakfast
  • 3 of 5 Breakfast Formula (see below)

Pre-Lab Activities

  • Students will have learned about the importance of breakfast, making wise choices that follow the 3 out of 5 breakfast formula and culminate with a project showing me they understand the model.
  • Students begin by viewing the Build a Balanced Breakfast video and use the information to complete questions and a case study (see attachments).
  • We discuss the case study as I want to be sure students understand the importance of eating a healthy breakfast that follows the 3 out of 5 formula/model.
  • This follows with a culminating project (within the Breakfast Video & Project attachment). After the project is complete, students share a breakfast example with the class so we can see the variety of choices available.
  • For their lab, students prepare Cloud Eggs. I’ve adapted this recipe so that it fits the 3 out of 5 model. To do this, students add cheese to their toast before topping it with the cloud eggs.
  • This lab teaches students how to separate egg whites from their yolks, beat egg whites until soft peaks forms as well as the science behind it.
  • Prior to the lab, students will complete the Pre-Lab Questions, and view a demo of the recipe process. The questions can be found below. I like to show students the Cloud Eggs YouTube video but there are others you can use. If you want to learn more about the history and science behind cloud eggs, you may want to check out “NPR: Cloud Eggs: The Latest Instagram Food Fad Is Actually Centuries Old.
  • After going over the pre-lab questions and viewing the video, students prepare cloud eggs in the lab. Students are impressed with how simple the eggs are to prepare, but how fancy and gourmet they are in presentation!


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