Baby in Progress Hyperdoc

Anticipating the possibility of having to teach remotely or a blend of traditional and virtual, I’ve been trying to revise some of my hands-on activities to make them more compatible with 1:1 technology. The Baby in Progress Hyperdoc is a digital lesson that incorporates the prenatal development concepts learned in the Pregnancy Towers index card activity. The beauty of this Baby in Progress Hyperdoc is that the Pregnancy Tower group activity can be subbed in for the digital “What Month Am I?” activity if traditional teaching returns!

Hyperdoc Activities

  • Ask students to complete the “ENGAGE” part of the hyperdoc. If possible, discuss as a group the methods for confirming a pregnancy along with other possible signs and symptoms that may be experienced.
  • Students then proceed to the “EXPLORE” part of the hyperdoc. In this section, students complete a KWL chart, sharing what they know about fertilization and questions they may have. After watching a video about fertilization, students add 3 things they’ve learned to the chart. This chart lends itself well to discussion (if you’re comfortable) as students can ask some great and interesting questions!
  • Next students “EXPLAIN” and answer questions regarding some of the terminology associated with the length of a typical full term pregnancy using the provided Cleveland Clinic resource. Again, we discuss afterwards.
  • The “APPLY” section is where students complete the “What Month Am I? assignment (see attachments) that was normally the follow-up application mobile activity for The Pregnancy Towers project after viewing a time-elapsed pregnancy. Since students are only using the Hunterdon Healthcare site as there resource, I did have to adapt the worksheet accordingly. So if you plan to use this lesson, make sure you also use the corresponding worksheet. When the assignment is complete, students can submit it via Google Classroom. The assignment is graded for accuracy and we do go over it so students have the correct answers.
  • As an “EXTENDED/REVIEW” to culminate the hyperdoc, students view the YouTube video, “What Stages Are Pregnancy?” and complete some follow-up comparison prompts.


Photo by Garon Piceli from Pexels

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