Category: Human Development

Teen Pregnancy Scenario

Sometimes when teaching about sensitive topics, it helps to have a scenario or case study to work with. This Teen Pregnancy Scenario, will provide you with just that along with some related follow-up activities. Continue reading to learn more…

Plan a Winter Ski Trip–Budget Project

Instead of just teaching an overview of the family life cycle stages, I started teaching it in more depth and exploring some topical issues faced in stage. When I got to the launching stage, I wanted the focus to be on something fun so I assigned my students the “Plan a Winter Ski Trip–Budget Project”. This is an engaging project that could be adapted and taught in many classes. I selected a ski getaway as there are many ski options within a 3 hour drive of our location. However, if skiing is not an option where you live, adapt it to an activity, sport or event that is.

Teen Relationship Lesson: Breaking Up

When teaching about dating, healthy relationships and behaviors, it’s important to include a lesson on breaking up. Why? Because there are some guidelines to breaking up correctly and I’ve seen way too many teens break up in disrespectful ways. This Teen Relationship Lesson: Breaking Up explores the do’s and don’ts of break up behaviors and incorporates a popular artists’ music as well. So, if you have any “Swiftie fans” in your class, this will surely get their attention!

Swaddling Blankets vs Sleep Sacks Investigation

I’ve read recently that there is now some controversy associated with these two infant sleeping practices. So what better way to get students to learn about what’s going on and then make their own decisions is to have them complete the Swaddling Blankets vs Sleep Sacks Investigation!  This is a great stand alone assignment when teaching about infants, but it can also serve as a great sub plan when you have to be out!

Aging in Place

Growing older is inevitable and most older adults want to stay in their homes and be as independent as possible! This is called Aging in Place and in order for older adults to be able to do this successfully, they need to make sure their homes are safe. Read on to learn more about this topic and explore potential home safety options.

Absent, But Present, Parenting Lesson

All of us have heard about, if not taught about, the various parenting styles. One emerging parenting style that is raising concern is the “Absent, But Present Parent”. In this Absent, But Present, Parenting Lesson, students will learn more about this type of parenting, the causes, the effects on children and create possible solutions to remedy it in order to strengthen the parent-child relationship.

How To Be….Advice Assignment

The “How to Be…Advice Assignment” series is a fun and insightful way for your students to explore various life stages and roles. This assignment offers guides on topics like being a baby, a teenager, a parent, or navigating adulthood. Each guide blends practical advice with humor, providing a unique perspective on everyday challenges. This would be a great culminating assignment for the end of a course after students have learned about the subject they will be writing about.

Calculating Baby Costs

As I was going through some files, I came across an assignment I created that incorporated math skills for Calculating Baby Costs. Since the prices were a bit outdated, I decided to update it and share it with you. It can be a real eye-opener for students into the reality of what consumables cost for babies. Additionally, they see a real life example of where they will use and apply math skills in life!

Whose Role Is It?

When teaching about the family life cycle, I like to focus on some specific topics within the stages.  Whose Role Is It? is an activity used within the beginning stage. This is a really engaging activity that generates a lot of discussion, sometimes heated at that! So if you’re looking for a hands-on activity to get students thinking and talking, this is for you!

Autism Mini-Lesson

April is National Autism awareness month so I thought it would be a good time to share a mini-lesson on the subject. The Autism Mini-Lesson gives an overview of Autism, dispelling the myths from the facts and culminating with an awareness project. This would be a great addition to your disabilities unit or use as a stand alone for your child development or parenting classes.