Category: Culinary

Gourmet Mac & Cheese Take Home Meal Fundraiser

Well, I don’t remember much of this gourmet Mac & Cheese fundraiser because I was in the clinic getting my hand stitched back together. Be careful cutting big blocks of cheese! Anyhow, this is a lovely gourmet version of Mac & Cheese sure to please as at take home meal.

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Stuffed Shells Take Home Meal Fundraiser

Prepare these delicious stuffed shells as a fundraiser or in your student restaurant. Read more for tips on how to make this fundraiser a success and a profit spreadsheet to get you started.

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Pizza Competition

Nothing smells as good as homemade pizza baking with a little bit of competition in the air to make your classroom pulse. This lesson not only allows students to learn how to make pizza dough and sauce from scratch but also helps them develop their plating skills.

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Burritos- Take Home Meals Fundraiser

Prepare this delicious burrito bake as a take home meal fundraiser or serve it in your student restaurant. Tips on how to make this fundraiser a success with the evaluation, labels, and order form to help you get started.

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Family and Consumer Sciences Course Expectations & Outlines

Need some ideas on how to construct your course or write curriculum? Here are a few examples from other Family Consumer Science programs!

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Homemade Sour Gummy Worms

I have always been enamored with figuring out how to make packaged foods from scratch. I also really really like sour gummy worms. So combining my two passions, I decided to figure out how to make these tasty treats from scratch. Hours of trial and error later, I came up with a recipe that tastes good and sour and wins me lots of brownie points with my students.

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Chicken Broccoli Fettuccine Alfredo Fundraiser

At the end of the grains, pasta, and rice unit we usually do a pasta fundraiser. This chicken, broccoli, fettuccine Alfredo is a popular choice among the faculty that can purchase this for lunch or as a take home meal.

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Fast Food Fanatic Project

There has been a lot of hype and a nation wide stirring about Fast Food over the past couple years thanks to movies like Super Size Me and Food, Inc.
Most recently Fast Food hit the news again as a photographer startled the world with pictures of “the indestructible happy meal” that looked exactly the same for over six months that it was on her shelf the only difference being that it was hard as a rock. So I ask my students to do a similar experiment decomposing fast food in my classroom window, make their own predictions, take pictures, and finally draw their own conclusions.

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Become a ServSafe Instructor & Proctor

Help your students get a jump start in the restaurant industry by having them become ServSafe certified! To do this you can either have a ServSafe instructor come and teach your class or you can become a certified instructor.

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Pear, Gorgonzola, Pecan Salad Fundraiser

Prepare this delicious pear, gorogonzola, pecan, chicken salad as a fundraiser or in your student restaurant. Tips on how to make this fundraiser a success and a profit spreadsheet to get you started.

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