Category: Fashion Design

Ideas for Teaching Color Schemes

Whether teaching about fashion or interior decorating, color is an important concept to include. Believe it or not there is a lot of depth and meaning associated with choosing color and using it in design and decorating. Check out the resources below for some colorful ideas!

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NICU Costume Project

Looking for a warm and fuzzy community service project to do with your classes this Halloween? Check out the project Staci Wallech of Hagerstown, Maryland challenged her child development classes to create. Students made itty-bitty felt costumes which were donated to the tiny patients of her local hospital! Needless to say, the possibilities for cuteness were endless!

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Roll an Ugly Sweater with the Elements of Design

What started out as a crazy contest for holiday parties, has evolved into a huge seasonal highlight! So, why not incorporate a little “ugly sweater” into your classroom fun? Students are always a little hyper, energetic (aka bouncing off the walls) and enthusiastic this time of year anyway, so why not encourage them to put those energies into creating an “ugly sweater”? The thing is, this activity is actually meant to be somewhat educational, incorporating the elements of design. However, I’ve taken a few creative liberties with them in order to stay consistent with the theme and the time of the year! So, give it a try and if you have any suggestions to make it better, please let me know in the comments below.

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Halloween in the FACS Classroom

You may ask yourself “How does Halloween fit into the FACS classroom?”, but actually there are a variety of ways and areas you can incorporate this event or holiday into your classes. If you have any additional ideas after perusing the list below, please share via the “Be A Part” tab above or the comment section below. Happy Halloween!

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Fashion Designer Tribute

Students research famous fashion designers and showcase their major designs in this interactive assignment. Students pay tribute to their fashion designer by creating new, original pieces inspired by the works of their designer. Students then present and share their designer with the rest of the class. Any part of this project can be used for instant bulletin board displays or hang the sketches and see if students can “name the designer” based on the drawings.

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Technology, Sewing & Fashion: What’s New?

t’s amazing how technology can influence and change our perception and creativity of things, including sewing and fashion! If you teach sewing and/or fashion, below are some ideas of how technology has influenced or become a part of the art. At one time these ideas may have existed only in our imaginations and now they are reality! If you know of other ideas or resources available, please share via the comment section below.

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Body Shapes & Redesigning Barbie Project

We all come in different shapes and sizes so why shouldn’t Barbie? As early as March we will be seeing different shapes and sizes of Barbie on toy shelves in stores across the country. This lesson and project is not about which body shape is best, but about the diversity in body shapes that exists and the beauty in all of them.This lesson and project look at the various body shapes and has students designing their own realistic version of Barbie complete with outfit just like Mattel did. Who knows, students may see themselves sitting on those shelves in the future if they submit their ideas to Mattel, as they continue to reinvent the product in this ingenious marketing strategy that’s been a long time coming!

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Fashion: Barbie Draping Project

How many of you remember playing with Barbie when you were little? Furthermore, how many of you remember designing clothes for said Barbie? I remember both, so I can’t wait to share this creative project designed by veteran teacher Deb Crockett from Canon City High School in Colorado. Deb has been assigning this project for the last 10 years. This lesson was prompted because she wanted to give her students a hands on experience to the different areas of the fashion industry. This project gives them a chance to be creative in so many ways. Students get to be a fashion designer, a fashion photographer, a fashion writer and they can then expand on their graphic design knowledge by creating the poster. This poster could also be produced using their computer applications skills learned in their business classes. You never know when you might spark and interest in the students, and bring back some fun memories at the same time!

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Recycled Sweater Challenge

Lately I’ve seen a lot of really innovative projects made out of old sweaters, especially on Pinterest. This got me thinking about what a great project this would be for my students to practice the concept of recycling or repurposing materials. So I visited my local thrift store and lucky for me they had a clearance rack of clothing, much of it old wool sweaters. I gathered as many as I could find into my cart and headed for the check out. The possibilities that could be made with all of these sweaters were endless! I couldn’t wait to challenge my students and see how creative they could be and teach them to recycle/repurpose as well as teach basic sewing skills at the same time.

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The Future of Fabrics

In case you’ve missed it, here are a few of the up and coming technologies in the fiber and fabrics world. Use these clips, lectures,  and articles as introductions or fillers with your other lessons. Spider Silk: stronger than steel…

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