Swaddling Blankets vs Sleep Sacks Investigation

I’ve read recently that there is now some controversy associated with these two infant sleeping practices. So what better way to get students to learn about what’s going on and then make their own decisions is to have them complete the Swaddling Blankets vs Sleep Sacks Investigation!  This is a great stand alone assignment when teaching about infants, but it can also serve as a great sub plan when you have to be out!


  • Ask students to explain to you what a controversy is. A controversy is a disagreement, dispute or a debate.
  • Explain that in this case, the controversy is around infant sleeping practices; specifically between swaddling babies in blankets or putting them in sleep sacks.
  • Your role will be to become an investigative reporter and learn all you can about the two practices.


  • iPads or Laptops
  • Projector & Screen


  • Introduce students to the investigative project and decide if you will have students complete individually or in groups. Go over the directions and expectations and then give them time to research. If you need creative ways to group your students, check out the “Ways to Form Groups” post.
  • Once students are finished researching, have them come together as a class and present their findings for all areas of the two practices. Students should write down any information that was shared for each that was new to them on a piece of notebook paper, that they didn’t discover in their own research.
  • To conclude, assign students the Swaddling or Sleep Sack Dilemma Flash Slide to record their position. They must make a decision about the controversy over which practice they would choose and give reasons using information and facts that they learned from all of the presentations. Remind them that they must only use one single slide and be prepared to share their position with the class.
  • Ask students to share their flash slides and project them onto the screen for the class and grade them as students share. Keep a class tally to see which sleeping practice is most preferred by your class or classes.


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