Sustainability Case Study: The Wasteful Watts

Whether we want to admit it or not, we’re all guilty of being wasteful in some area of our lives!  In this Sustainability Case Study: The Wasteful Watts, students will explore ways the Watts family can make changes in their habits and lifestyle to be more eco-friendly, practice being green(er) and make better choices regarding sustainability!


  • Begin by assigning students the Picture Analysis where they complete the I see, I think, I wonder prompts and then create a title and six word memoir about the picture. Students then share and discuss what they wrote.
  • Next, introduce sustainability behaviors and actions by playing “Put a Finger Down” to illustrate our own wasteful habits. It’s a very simple game– if you can answer yes to the of the statements, put a finger down. If all 10 fingers are down, then the person is out of the game. If you can answer no to the statement, then you are safe.
  • Discuss that we all are guilty of being wasteful in some area of our lives. This activity was just an illustration of this. The flip side of all of these prompts are definitely ways we can practice being more sustainable.


  • iPads or Laptops
  • Projector & Screen


  • After introducing students to the topic of sustainability, it’s time to introduce the case study. Before placing students into groups, go over the directions and explain the “SIX F Areas” that students will be working with.
  • The “SIX F Areas” are:#1: FOOD (selection, shopping, preparation, meal planning, products, packaging, etc.)
    #2: FASHION (selection, shopping, disposal, donations, designers, companies, repurposing, upcycling, etc.)
    #3: FUN (entertainment–indoor and outdoor, toys, games, arts/crafts, vacations)
    #4: FURNISHINGS (furniture, home, decor, selection, product make-up, origin)
    #5: FUEL (home, water conservation, energy to heat/cool, transportation, gadgets for home maintenance)
    #6: FINANCES (purchasing power, investing, green banking, questions to ask, things to consider/look for in purchases, values on planned obsolescence, repair/reuse or repurpose older items, comparisons, etc.)
  • With their group they will research 5 specific, realistic ways to help the Watts family be more green by using personal experiences as well as the internet for ideas for each of the “F Areas”. Once they have all of the ideas for each of the “F Areas”, they will create a presentation in the platform of their choice to share tips, advice and strategies. Remind them to follow the rubric and think realistically, critically and creatively as they design their presentations. They also need to be prepared to share their presentations with the class.
  • Once the presentations are finished, students will complete the 3-2-1 Reflection as their exit slip.


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