Growing older is inevitable and most older adults want to stay in their homes and be as independent as possible! This is called Aging in Place and in order for older adults to be able to do this successfully, they need to make sure their homes are safe. Read on to learn more about this topic and explore potential home safety options.
- Intro: Ask students to individually brainstorm the phrase/term “AGING IN PLACE” and be prepared to share. Next, have students turn to their shoulder neighbor and share what they’ve brainstormed. Finally, have an entire class sharing what the phrase means.
- Explain that “AGING IN PLACE” is defined as the ability to live in one’s own home and community safely, independently, and comfortably for as long as possible. Basically this means that older adults stay in their homes and communities instead of relocating or moving into a residential facility.
- Ask students what they believe to be the biggest concern when it comes to aging in place.
- iPads or Laptops
- Projector & Screen
- One of the biggest concerns to aging in place is the health and safety of the home. We all know that a home can be full of potential hazards. So, if our loved ones wish to stay in their homes, they need to be prepared to make sure their home is as safe as possible. One way to do this is to go through the Home Safety Checklist Room by Room identifying any risks so you know what repairs and/or adaptations might be necessary.
- Let’s explore specific issues and/or problems in homes that may hinder aging in place and come up with solutions to reduce the risk of injury and make a safer environment by assigning the Aging in Place Scenario Worksheet. This can be done individually or assigned to small groups. In this assignment students will read each scenario an identify the specific issue or problem presented. They then need to propose a solution that would encourage aging in place and reduce the risk of injury and explain how the solution addresses the problem. Students will also include images and/or links to potential solutions and products.
- Once the scenarios are completed, students will complete the reflection portion of the project before sharing their solutions with the class.
- Culminate the lesson by sharing that there are people who work on developing these innovative solutions to make life better and easier for those that age in place. Show students this via the University of Pittsburgh’s Healthy Home Lab video.
- NOTE: If you live in or near the Pittsburgh, PA area, you may be familiar with the Pittsburgh University’s Healthy Home Lab which strives to make homes safe by researching and testing new safe home technologies, making it possible for older adults to age in place for as long as possible.
- Age In Place Scenarios (please make a copy–go to file, click make a copy and it’s yours)
- Reflection (please make a copy–go to file, click make a copy and it’s yours)
Photo by Pixabay