Knife Skills Interactive

Put the initial learning in the hands of your students with this Knife Skills Interactive assignment.  The entire assignment is not only digital, but breaks down important knife information by topic and section. I used this with my upper level students in my foods class.  For many, it was a review of information they had learned in junior high or other courses of mine. However, for those students who were new to the school or I didn’t have me in junior high, it gave them all of the basics about knives they needed before we headed to the kitchen to practice.


  • Be sure to make a copy and load it into your LMS such as Google Classroom for students to access their own copy as this entire assignment is digital.
  • Explain to students that all of the resources they are to use are linked in the assignment. Prompt responses may require students to type answers, drag emojis, insert images and fill in charts before completing the final assignment.


  • iPads or Laptops
  • Projector & Screen


  • Once student have all of the basic knife information completed on the interactive assignment, it’s time to assign the final piece.
  • In section #4, students are to use the word KNIFE KNOW HOW to create an acrostic poem sharing what they’ve learned about knife skills and safety.
  • Explain to students that their poems do not have to rhyme, however, they may. Each line of the poem does need to include short phrases or sentences (no single words). Their poems do need to flow and make sense and share what they’ve learned about knife skills and safety.
  • As a review, students share their poems by projecting them onto the screen and reading them aloud for the whole class to hear and hopefully internalize this basic information before heading to the kitchen to practice with food.
  • One way I like to get my students working with knives is to have them practice by making a very easy, but tasty vegetable soup. This recipe makes only one large pot of soup for the whole class to try. Because of this, each kitchen is assigned specific ingredients to prep and add to the soup pot on the first day.  The soup then simmers for awhile before refrigerating overnight.  On the second day of the lab, I warm up the soup so it’s ready for class and students add remaining ingredients before serving “cups of soup”.  After trying, students may have seconds if they remain.  (NOTE: This soup is delicious and I’m not a vegetable soup fan at all! I’ve even converted many students who tell me they make this all the time it’s so good!  Unfortunately, I don’t remember where I got this recipe to give the person credit. So, if it was you, let me know and I’ll include it in this post.)
  • In addition to the lab, there are several follow-up questions for students to answer.


Additional Knife Resources

Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash


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