Garnishing is defined as embellishing something. In this project, it pertains to food! In this project: Garnishing: Student Led Demonstration, students compile
the information on garnishing a specific food in a presentation and teach and/or demo the technique that can be used with the class! This project can then be shared with students via Google Classroom, keeping entire presentations together. Since students orally share, they can be graded as presented, making life easier at the end of the day!
Tag: Knife Skills
43 Minute Lab Series: Individual Fruit Pizzas
After noticing continuous requests for lab suggestions that are doable in 43 minute class periods, I’ve decided to do a recurring series, featuring recipes that can be completed from beginning to end in a 43 minute time frame. In some cases, longer recipes will broken into two day labs. In addition, I will include my pre-lab review questions that pertain specifically to the recipe. This helps to ensure that students are reading the recipe. It also allows me time to show any videos that may demonstrate the product or specific techniques. So, without further ado, I present the 43 Minute Lab Series: Individual Fruit Pizzas!
Knife Skills Interactive
Put the initial learning in the hands of your students with this Knife Skills Interactive assignment. The entire assignment is not only digital, but breaks down important knife information by topic and section. I used this with my upper level students in my foods class. For many, it was a review of information they had learned in junior high or other courses of mine. However, for those students who were new to the school or I didn’t have me in junior high, it gave them all of the basics about knives they needed before we headed to the kitchen to practice.
Stir Fry Interactive
The Stir Fry Interactive assignment is an assignment for my students to complete digitally, in Google Classroom. This Stir Fry Interactive E-Learning assignment takes students through a variety of concepts related to stir fry cooking such as the origins, the benefits of cooking this way, knife cuts, featured characteristics, food group analysis, cooking steps, and chopstick etiquette. If you’re able to cook, a vegetable stir fry recipe is included to practice those referenced knife cuts. If you are unable to cook, students still learn alot about stir fry cooking!
Knife Skills Workbook for E-Learning
Sending out a big THANK YOU to Barbara Scully for sharing her Knife Skills Workbook for E-Learning! Her adapted knife skills workbook for E-learning covers almost everything you want or need to know about knife skills from handling the knife safely to various knife cuts! So sit back and take a look…you’ll be here for a bit so grab a cup of coffee and enjoy!