Tag: Projects

Snacks for Kids Cookbook Project

Have you ever noticed that kids love foods that look like things they recognize like animals, bugs, toys, people, etc.? It is fun to create cute snacks that kids like and that are safe and healthy for them too!  For…

Diaper Cost Analysis Project

What is the cheapest way to buy diapers? Do subscriptions to Amazon Prime or memberships to wholesale clubs really save you money on diapers? Why not do the math? This is a complex problem but easy enough to understand and develops student’s problem solving skills.

Designing your own Restaurant Project

After studying various cuisines from around the world students use technology to create their very own restaurant. Students decide on the type of cuisine they want to serve, the style of restaurant, the location, menu items, menu style & layout, and create a commercial. This is a project based unit incorporating 21st century skills!

Is Sam’s Club Worth It?: A Practical Analysis of Club Shopping

In adult life there are many practical questions that require problem solving skills and a little math. This lesson has students figure out the benefits and costs to joining a shopping club like Sam’s Club. Guide your students through a real life case study that requires lots of critical thinking, a little math and the chance to use Excel!

Tourism Lessons

This lesson forces students to think about the travel & tourism industry as a whole, historically. There are two projects that have students plan a vacation for a specific amount of money. There is also a mini assignment that has students create a timeline of how the travel/tourism industry changed over time in America. Finally, there is an mini-paper assignment about the future of tourism/travel.

Sandwich Glog Project

Tired of messy physical posters? Introducing Glogs–virtual, interactive posters that don’t take up physical space and are a blast to create. Use this new virtual poster technology with any subject! This lesson is a fast, fun way to teach students about sandwiches and incorporate technology all at the same time!

Gender Lesson Project

Time Frame: Minimum 2 days in class project work + presentation days Objective: Evaluate the effects of gender on life in America and around the world. Set Using the Smart Board or a white board ask the class to brainstorm…

Fast Food Fanatic Project

There has been a lot of hype and a nation wide stirring about Fast Food over the past couple years thanks to movies like Super Size Me and Food, Inc.
Most recently Fast Food hit the news again as a photographer startled the world with pictures of “the indestructible happy meal” that looked exactly the same for over six months that it was on her shelf the only difference being that it was hard as a rock. So I ask my students to do a similar experiment decomposing fast food in my classroom window, make their own predictions, take pictures, and finally draw their own conclusions.