Category: Uncategorized

Easter Edible Rice Krispie Scenes

Have some fun with Rice Krispie treats this Easter by using their mold-able properties to create an Easter scene. Create religious scenes or Easter bunny, spring theme scenes. Let your imagination roll.

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Show Me the TV Family: Paper Plate Project

After teaching several lessons on family structures, family functions, and family life cycle stages, I use this lesson/project as a way for students to review and apply information learned as well as a way for me to assess their learning. Students select a television family and create a TV Paper Plate Project using their knowledge of family to complete it. Students use mobile labs to research any unknown information about their TV family such as names of all family members or jobs TV parents held, etc.

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Fruit Lab

One of my favorite things to do with students are taste tests. They absolutely love it if they are brave enough to give it a try. So many students never get the chance to try different fruits unless their parents expose them to them. Bring on this lesson that will be sure to be some students’ favorite.

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Tourism & Hospitality Lesson Plans, Worksheets, & PowerPoints

Lesson Plans Tourism & South Africa Tourism Lesson Widgets Worksheets Categories of Tourism PowerPoint Assignment (Word) PowerPoint Management Structures in Tourism (PPT) Socio-Cultural Impacts of Tourism (PPT) Tourism & Sustainability (PPT) USA Tourism (PPT) Tourism in India (PPT) Environmental…

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Diaper Cost Analysis Project

What is the cheapest way to buy diapers? Do subscriptions to Amazon Prime or memberships to wholesale clubs really save you money on diapers? Why not do the math? This is a complex problem but easy enough to understand and develops student’s problem solving skills.

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Christmas Cookie Factory: Day 4

Browsing on Pinterest what did I find? Pistachio cookies and, Oh! My! they are divine! The light green color is a great contrasting addition to my box of otherwise ordinary Christmas cookie colors. Cranberry Pistachio Cookies Ingredients 1 ½ cups…

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Christmas Cookie Factory: Day 1

On the first day of the Christmas Cookie Factory there were these irresistibly fun chocolate chips in the grocery store that just needed to be made into something tasty but that still showed of their colors! Red & Green Chocolate…

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Bedtime Fears & Fear Me Not Community Service Lessons

This amazing lesson is the Winner of our Child Development Lesson Plan Competition! The goal of this lesson is to explore bedtime issues/fears of children & how to respond to them. Students will also create a community service project called “Fear-Me-Not” characters to help children in abuse shelters feel more secure and safe during their stay.

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