Bedtime Fears & Fear Me Not Community Service Lessons

This amazing lesson is the Winner of our Child Development Lesson Plan Competition! The goal of this lesson is to explore bedtime issues/fears of children & how to respond to them. Students will also create a community service project called “Fear-Me-Not” characters to help children in abuse shelters feel more secure and safe during their stay.


Students will:

  • explore common children’s bedtime issues/fears
  • research ways of dealing with and responding to bedtime issues/fears
  • give visual and oral presentation of their bedtime issues/fears research
  • design, problem solve and create a “fear me not” stuffed monster


  • What are monsters?   Monsters are typically described as imaginary creatures that are usually large, ugly and scary.   How many of you believed in them when you were a child?  What made you think they were real?  Let’s take a look at some common monsters and see if you can identify them.
  • Name that monster PowerPoint


  • Name that Monster Trivia PPT
  • Bedtime Issues Research Project Guide Sheet/Rubric
  • Fear-Me-Not Community Service Project Guide Sheet/Rubric
  • Felt, embroidery floss, buttons, stuffing and basic sewing supplies


  • Discuss briefly that fears can be healthy or unhealthy & may create bedtime issues.
  • Divide students into 4 groups each researching a bedtime issue with class presentation.
  • Discuss one coping method to help children with fears is to provide them with an object that helps them feel safe and secure such as a stuffed animal/character.
  • Intro community service Fear-Me-Not project & then sketch pattern, sew project & create profile.


  • Participate in Monster Showcase Trivia PPT Quiz to introduce concept of fear.  Pass out mini-whiteboards and number from 1-10.  View PPT “Monster Showcase” and complete the “Monster Trivia Game.”  Stop PPT at the RESULTS slide to discuss answers and whether character is friendly or not for children.
  • Research a specific bedtime issue in small groups, following guide sheet which has students locate or create a case study or scenario about their bedtime issue. Students then research solutions/ideas from websites on dealing with the problem…at least ten. Students rank solutions in order of effectiveness & thoroughly explain their top three as to why these are the best. Students will then create a glog, prezi or power-point presentation of their research & share with class.
    • Topics include:
      • Fear of Being Alone
      • Fear of the Dark
      • Fear of Monsters & Ghosts
      • Fear of Strange Noise
  • After viewing scare me not samples from this website for inspiration, have students begin sketching ideas for their “Fear-Me-Not.”  Once approved, students can begin pinning and cutting their pattern.  Demo how to pin and cut patterns, thread needles, make knots and stitch the running the stitch.
  • Once the “Fear-Me-Not” is completed, create a profile of your character and prepare for the “photo shoot.”  A picture of your character will be uploaded so you can insert it into the profile of your “Fear-Me-Not” which is to be created in WORD (posters or fliers templates) or Publisher.  Print in color and laminate so the “story profile” of your character can be donated with your “Fear-Me-Not” to the Abuse Network.

Back Ground for Teachers

  • At a later date and time the Abuse Network will be invited to class to tell us about their shelter and how the “Fear-Me-Nots” will be incorporated.  Individually have students share their creations and profiles with guests before donating them (see news article below).


  • Assessments will be on the research project and presentation as well as the completion of the community service/Fear-Me-Not project which both follow specific rubrics.



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