One of my favorite things to do with students are taste tests. They absolutely love it if they are brave enough to give it a try. So many students never get the chance to try different fruits unless their parents expose them to them. Bring on this lesson that will be sure to be some students’ favorite.
- Apply food selection and preparation guidelines related to fruit.
- Introduction to fruit taste test. If you are short on time have each fruit ready to eat. If not show the class how to cut up/prepare each fruit.
- Pomegranate
- Passion Fruit
- Mango
- Guava
- Star Fruit
- Dragon Fruit
- Black Currant
- Cranberries
- Prickly Pear
- Persimmon
- Lab ingredients
- Food for Today Fruit Worksheet
- Each lab group will make a different kind of fruit dish.
- When the dishes are finished everyone will taste all the different recipes.
- While the fruit dishes are cooling students are to work on a fruit worksheet using their Food for Today textbook.
- Graded Fruit Taste Test Questions
- Graded Fruit Textbook Worksheet
- Ask your local grocery store if they can have a produce team member come and talk to your class about fruit selection (how to tell if a melon is ripe, etc).
- Fruit Recipes (Word)
- Fruit Taste Test (Word)
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