Category: Baking & Pastry Arts

Virtual Holiday Activities

Remote learning making it difficult to do your normal hands-on holiday activities? In researching alternate ways to do some of my assignments, I have either happened upon or created some of the below activities. I hope they help you incorporate some holiday fun even if it has to happen virtually! Enjoy!

Recipe Card Project

I am excited to feature the Recipe Card Project shared by Missouri Family Consumer Sciences teacher, Samantha Cosper. Samantha teaches at Cassville High School and uses this project in her Introduction to Foods & Nutrition course as a summative assessment in the Foods Prep Unit. Regardless of how you are teaching this year, the Recipe Card Project can be utilized in both the traditional and virtual classrooms! Read on to learn more…

“UnBoxing” Video Topics for the FACS Content

I recently watched an episode of Adobe for Education and Matt Miller author of Ditch that Textbook (affiliate link) was on as a special guest. This episode focused on being creative while teaching remotely. His advice was to think outside the box, provide a fun twist when asking students to recall or share what they’ve learned about a particular topic. He suggested students share what they’ve learned in an unboxing video! How creative is that! My wheels started turning and I thought of so many ways that this could be used in our content. So join me, if you will, as I share “Unboxing Video Topics for the FACS Content! As always, if you have other ideas or you develop a specific project or assignment, please share and I will add them to the list!

43 Minute Lab Series: Blueberry Pancakes

After noticing continuous requests for lab suggestions that are doable in 43 minute class periods, I’ve decided to do a recurring series, featuring recipes that can be completed from beginning to end in a 43 minute time frame. In some cases, longer recipes will broken into two day labs. In addition, I will include my pre-lab review questions that pertain specifically to the recipe. This helps to ensure that students are reading the recipe. It also allows me time to show any videos that may demonstrate the product or specific techniques. So, without further ado, I present the 43 Minute Lab Series: Blueberry Pancakes!

Resources for Teaching about Chocolate

Who doesn’t love chocolate? For me, dark chocolate hits the spot! Every. Single. Time! If you are a chocoholic or just enjoy the taste, you may also enjoy the following resources for teaching about chocolate. Many can be used in this world of remote teaching, but can also be used in the traditional classroom!

Kitchen Tools E-Learning Assignment

Since no one is quite sure what the next school year will look like, I’ve been working on updating some of my lessons for remote learning…just in case! This Kitchen Tools E-Learning Assignment comes to you early as I had a teacher request for some engaging ways to teach kitchen tools remotely. Not only can this Kitchen Tools E-Learning assignment be used in remote learning, but could also be used in the regular classroom.

Pies Hyperdoc

Another THANK YOU goes out to Holly Kelley for sharing this Pies Hyperdoc for E-Learning! In this lesson, students explore the history of pies, learn more about pies via an embedded PearDeck presentation, Ed-Puzzle videos before applying their knowledge and pie making skills at home. If you were planning on a pie unit for this spring, this Pies Hyperdoc might be the perfect solution!

Gardenscape Bread Art

With more time on my hands due to COVID-19, I find myself in the kitchen more frequently, experimenting with new recipes. Inspired by something a friend sent me, I decided to give gardenscape bread art a try. Whoever said bread has to be boring never tried this form of art! If you like your students to be creative and engaged, I’ve got just the lesson, activity and recipe for you! I am assigning this to my students as an enrichment E-Learning activity, but when I’m back in the classroom, you can bet gardenscape bread art will be part of my foods class as a creative lab!

The Safe Recipe Style Guide

Another E-Learning assignment coming your way that features the safe recipe style guide!  Recently, I participated in a webinar on this topic and had been wanting to incorporate it into my foods classes when teaching about or reinforcing food safety practices.  The safe recipe style guide assignment can be used as a normal assignment even when classes aren’t virtual.  So, check it out and see if you can add it to your remote learning lesson file!

Whole Grains

When teaching about whole grains, I like to cover the following six categories: wheat, oats, rye, rice, corn and barley. I do this as an overview because it’s a great way to introduce and expose students to a variety of whole grains that can be incorporated into different meals. After all, 100% whole grains are part of a healthy, nutritious diet!