Virtual Holiday Activities

Remote learning making it difficult to do your normal hands-on holiday activities? In researching alternate ways to do some of my assignments, I have either happened upon or created some of the below activities. I hope they help you incorporate some holiday fun, even if it has to happen with virtual holiday activities! Enjoy!

Virtual Cooking Decorating

  • Because my classes are currently remote, we cannot bake or decorate cookies, I created this Virtual Cooking Decorating activity where students can decorate each cookie in a festive, creative way.
  • Students are given all cookies to decorate, but they choose the best 5 they want me to grade.
  • You can still do a virtual contest by asking each student to share their best decorated cookie and create a Google Form with them for judges (faculty) to vote on the top 3.
  • If you happen to still be in the traditional classroom, you may find it fun to teach a Cookie Baking Unit!

Decorate a Gingerbread House

  • This idea was shared with me by a colleague who shared it from a social media group. I can’t take credit for it, but trust me when I say that it’s amazing and your students will love using it!
  • Again, you could have a contest having students share their decorated houses on Padlet or Google Forms and have judges vote for their favorite.
  • If you happen to still be in the traditional classroom, you may find it fun to teach the Elements and Principles of Design the Gingerbread Way!

The Ugly Christmas Sweater

  • This “drag & drop” activity an be found as a Teacher’s Pay Teachers freebie.
  • Again, this could easily be a contest for the most unique or ugly sweater, using Padlet or Google Forms.
  • If you are still in the traditional classroom, you may find it fun to Roll an Ugly Sweater with the Elements of Design!


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