Family Life Cycle Stages & Case Study

If you teach about the family, you no doubt include a few lessons or a unit on the family life cycle. In my class, I focus on each stage and do an in depth study around each stage. However, I have to introduce the stages of the theory and have done so in a variety of ways. Normally, I do an iron chef intro, but this year, due to a smaller class, I had to create a different strategy. I will include both versions in this Family Life Cycle Stages & Case Study post.


  • View this YouTube clip from Lowes and ask students what it’s all about. Obviously, it’s a video for Lowe’s but more importantly it illustrates the many stages that a family may experience as it develops.
  • Introduce students to Evelyn Duvall’s family development theory or family life cycle. The family life cycle represents processes and experiences that are typical to most developing families. Within each stage there are tasks, rewards and challenges.
  • If you are using the Iron Chef Jigsaw Activity, there is a template in the attachments below. Simply, follow the instructions within the slide deck. As students present, a notes chart is filled out.
  • If you have a smaller class, I am attaching a Google Slide Intro Activity that corresponds with a set of Quizlet flashcards around the FLC stages. Both can be found in the attachments.


  • iPads or Laptops
  • Projector & Screen
  • Quizlet


  • Once students have their background information associated with each stage of the family life cycle, they are introduced to the case study, titled Meet the Davenport Family.
  • I give students time to work through the case study with a partner or in small groups before we discuss it as a class. When discussing as a class, students are encouraged to add to their case study as groups share as this will help them in the follow-up assignment.
  • Finally, students complete the FLC Follow-Up activity where they analyze, predict and answer questions regarding the Davenports.


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Photo by olia danilevich from Pexels

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