Upcycled Wipe Container Project

Upcycling gives us the opportunity to turn items, otherwise deemed trash, into something creative and functional! And thanks to Missouri FACS teacher Amy Harkey, baby wipe lids can be repurposed into an educational child development activity! Amy shares her adapted and interactive “Upcycled Wipe Container Project” with us! Read on to see what she has her students creating!


  • Have students brainstorm in table groups or pairs about how children learn what objects, animals and people are named. Give them 2 minutes to write down a few ideas on a sticky note.
  • Then have each group/pair share some of their ideas out loud. You can make a list of these on the whiteboard or padlet, etc.
  • Things like books, games, television, real-life objects, etc. should be talked about. Recognizing objects, people and animals comes from play and practice.


  • Wipe container lids, approx. 4-6 per student (also found on make-up remover wipes)
  • Postboard or cardstock
  • Photos of people, animals, shapes, objects, colors, etc.
  • Glue
  • Foam stickers or other decorations


  • Students will create an activity board with photos of objects for a child (18-24 months). This will take approximately 3-4 class periods. While this actiivty was done in-class, materials could be sent home for students to complete in a remote/hybrid setting. Students would then add a video demonstrating and describing their board.
  • Each student should have 4-6 photos of family members, animals (can cut out of a magazine or print off the computer), objects or colors. Photos need to belong to a group (shapes, food, farm animals, animals, family, birds, colors, etc)
  • Cut the photos to fit inside the plastic wipe lid container. Approx. 3.5” x 1.5”.
  • Glue the photos to the cardstock or poster board.
  • Place the wipe container lid over the photos and glue down.
  • Decorate the poster board with stickers or markers.
  • As a follow up, Amy places the completed boards around the room and conducts a gallery walk for students to see others creativity and ideas. Afterwards, students may take their boards home or donate them to their school’s therapy department for use with younger students.
  • NOTE: Amy recommends you get friends and family to save their empty wipe containers for you especially if you don’t have littles that utilize them!


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