Felt Bookmark Sewing Project

This fun project was designed by Sasha Roble of Central Dauphin High School, Pennsylvania as a beginner sewing project and can be utilized at nearly any grade level. Ideally, this is a great project to use in conjunction with a unit on time and resource management. The bookmarks are unique and provide students with the opportunity to construct a practical and useful product. They can be sewn relatively quickly (4 – 5 days) and are not costly to make.


  • Felt
  • Sewing Supplies (scissors, needles, pins)
  • Sewing Thread or Embroidery Floss


    • Using the pattern template, cut out two triangles (one triangle will be the front and the other will be the back). If you wish to manipulate the open edge by changing it’s shape, do so prior to cutting out the pattern template. Remind students to not waste felt and to pin pattern pieces so that they maximize use/reduce waste (do not cut the triangle out from the center of the felt.)
    • Cut out any additional applique pieces as necessary.
    • Pin applique pieces to the front triangle. Apply the applique pieces with a running stitch. View this clip for a tutorial on how to sew a running stitch.
    • Apply at least one button to the front triangle. View this clip for a tutorial on how to sew on a button.
    • Apply backstitching to the front triangle. View this tutorial on how to sew the backstitch.
    • Pin the front and back triangles with wrong sides together. Using a blanket stitch, sew along the two edges of the triangle leaving the open edge OPEN so that it can be inserted into the page of a book. View this tutorial on how to sew the blanket stitch.
  • Clip long and loose threads. Sit back, relax and enjoy a good book!


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