During this COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve been encouraged to create and assign lessons on topics within our content area that we’ve wanted to teach, but never really had time to because of state testing. In addition, the lesson(s) still had align with state standards. So, I decided to create and share this Shopping Spree: Children’s Clothing E-learning lesson. Please note that this lesson could easily be assigned in the regular classroom and fit into many different content areas.
- Why might a six year old need a wardrobe update mid-year?
- Children grow quickly…sometimes like weeds! Their growth spurts can be unpredictable and while you can expect it, you can’t plan when it’s going to happen. However, when they grow, the wardrobe changes as outgrown clothes are replaced with better fitting options.
- How many clothes do you think a six year old needs?
- It depends on how hard the children are on their clothing via play, grass stains, etc. How durable the clothing is will also determine it’s longevity. What types of events does the child need clothing for like special events and church can also determine the amount needed. The price for many parents will also dictate the number of clothing items purchased because parents know they will grow out of them at some point.
- iPads or Laptops
- Popsicle Sticks (in class use only)
- Assign the shopping spree project to students. Explain that they are to shop for the climate they live in.
- If we were in class, I would have students select popsicle sticks from a jar. If the popsicle stick had a purple dot on it, they would shop for a girl. If the popsicle stick had a greed dot on it, they would shop for a boy. Since this can’t be done remotely, students will select the gender of their choice.
- Students may shop via the internet for their clothing needs, but they must adhere to the budget and the shopping list of necessary items.
- Students must include images, prices and store sources as they curate their child’s wardrobe in Google Slides.
- At the end of their shopping spree, students must provide a grand total of dollars spent. If they are over budget, they must fix it by exchanging out a higher prices item for something less expensive.
- Finally, students answer the reflection questions after completing their project.
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