Sharing another Struggle Meal lesson that I presented at the Missouri FACS conference last summer! This lesson titled, A Glo-Bowl Affair, is a fun, engaging lesson that was inspired by both Frankie Celenza’s Struggle Meal Grain Bowl episode and by activities suggested in the EduProtocol Field Guide (amazon affiliate). I hope your students find this lesson and all of its activities as enjoyable as mine did!
- Begin by having students take sketchnotes on the 5 step grain bowl using the article “How to Build a Grain Bowl in Just 5 Steps” by William Sonoma and the guide sheet below.
- iPad or Laptop
- Projector & Screen
- Colored Pencils & Markers
- Play-doh
- Lab Supplies
- EduProtocol Field Guide (amazon affiliate)
- As students walk into my room, I have the Amazing Race theme song playing on my screen. Students immediately wonder “what’s up?”
- Students are divided into small groups…I used their cooking groups to keep it easy. They are then presented with the Amazing Race Google Race Challenge which can be found below.
- In the challenge, teams must work together to complete the challenges such as choose a team leader, select a global theme (or assign them such as Asian theme if you want all the groups to use the same), create a team name and take a team photo, sequence the grain bowl (apply their notes), design a GLO-Bowl using the play-doh, write/record a jingle or RAP to advertise their GLO-Bowl and finally share it with me via Google Classroom.
- The next day, students present their completed Amazing Race Google Challenges with the whole class. They are really fun to watch!
- Next, students watch the Struggle Meal Grain Bowl episode just to see all of the variations that Frankie does when preparing them.
- Students then “Build a Own Grain Bowl” using the provided template and a list of ingredients you want to have on hand for them to use. The nice part about this is that you can control the options they can choose from.
- During the next lab, students actually build and eat their grain bowl and since they hand-picked all of the ingredients, there’s no complaining! Win-win!
- SKETCHNOTES–The 5 Step Grain Bowl (PDF)
- The Amazing Race Google Challenge (please make a copy)
- Build a Grain Bowl Planning Sheet (PDF)