Tag: Global Foods


In my Exploring Foods class, I try to cover a variety of ethnic and regional foods. Quesadillas are a perfect fit for both Mexican and Southwestern cuisine! In this post, you will find a web-based assignment where students learn more about quesadillas before preparing in the lab.

Tortilla Trends: Lesson & Lab

As soon as the tortilla trends video hit my news feed, I watched it and knew I had to find a way to use it in my foods class! Am I glad I did because the “Tortilla Trends: Lesson and Lab” was a huge hit with my students!

A Glo-Bowl Affair

Sharing another Struggle Meal lesson that I presented at the Missouri FACS conference last summer! This lesson titled, A Glo-Bowl Affair, is a fun, engaging lesson that was inspired by both Frankie Celenza’s Struggle Meal Grain Bowl episode and by activities suggested in the EduProtocol Field Guide (amazon affiliate). I hope your students find this lesson and all of its activities as enjoyable as mine did!