Category: Hospitality & Tourism

Tourism Lessons

This lesson forces students to think about the travel & tourism industry as a whole, historically. There are two projects that have students plan a vacation for a specific amount of money. There is also a mini assignment that has students create a timeline of how the travel/tourism industry changed over time in America. Finally, there is an mini-paper assignment about the future of tourism/travel.

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Family and Consumer Sciences Course Expectations & Outlines

Need some ideas on how to construct your course or write curriculum? Here are a few examples from other Family Consumer Science programs!

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Foods & Nutrition PowerPoints, Worksheets & Links

Lesson Plans The Science of Taste (PDF) PowerPoints Fruits (PPT) Submitted by R.Amy from NJ Worksheets Chicken Broth(Word) Kitchen Equipment Index (Excel) Mini Refrigerator Poster on Sanitation (Word) Pork Cuts Extra Credit Culinary Extra Credit Paper (Word) Links Ice cream…

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Event Planning Project

Students plan an event of their choice start to finish as if they were an event planner. Paying attention to details is essential. The students created a diorama showing the look and feel of their event, and a booklet that contains their budget, floor plan, guest list, To-Do list, menu, and time schedule. They also make an invitation, an item off their menu, and sample decoration for their event. Finally, the students set up a table show casing the event that they planned at the school’s art exposition.

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