Teaching about the brain is one of my all time favorite units in Child Development! I find it interesting and feel like I’m teaching students something new in a fun way. If you’ve used my Navigating the Brain lesson, you know that I had students create a Play-Doh brain. While I still like that assignment, I wanted something a bit more challenging. The Brain Puzzle is a creative, engaging way to apply the information learned and can be used as a review activity or an assessment!
- Prior to this assignment, I have taught students all about the brain parts and functions…
- via my “Navigating the Brain” lesson.
- Bright Card Stock (affiliate link) or Construction Paper
- Colorful Markers (affiliate link) or Pencils
- Scissors & Glue Sticks
- Instead of having students build the brain project, I assign them this individual brain puzzle assignment instead.
- First, have students cut out all of the information blocks and brain puzzle pieces.
- Using the colored markers or pencils, students are to create colorful pattern designs on the brain puzzle pieces. Designs must all be different as to distinguish between the pieces.
- Students then glue the brain pieces to the provided template and then onto the center of the card stock or construction paper. Note: Students may refer to their notes, however, the template is in reverse of their diagram notes so students must flip everything. This is hard for some students to do which adds a bit of challenge to this activity.
- The information blocks are glued around the brain puzzle, in the margins near the brain part it corresponds with and lines are drawn or yarn is glued to connect the info blocks to the brain parts.
- After grading, I hang these for display around my room as never fail to generate interest!
- The Brain Puzzle (PDF)