Safe Sitter Breakout

Arlene DeJoy Meckes (from Twins & Teaching) and I teamed up to bring you this Safe Sitter Breakout. This assignment is perfect for engaging students, especially middle schoolers around the importance of safety while babysitting. The beauty of this breakout is two-fold…one, it is completely digital, so there’s no need for physical locks and boxes. Second, it is an individual breakout so students do their own work, at their own pace. Check it out!


  • Introduce the breakout…You are babysitting and are faced with some challenges. I hope you can break the Safe Sitter Breakout!


  • iPads or Laptops
  • Google Forms
  • Prizes (optional)


  • There are 5 Challenges about babysitting safety for students to work through in order to escape the safe sitter breakout.
  • Each challenge provides a link that will force students to make a copy so they can do “their own work”.
  • Once students have worked through the challenge, they will put the code in the Google Form. If they are correct, they will move on, and if not, they must keep working at it until they get it correct.
  • If students are unable to complete the challenge during class, they can finish it outside of class as they will have all of the necessary information. This also works great if a student is absent and needs to make up the work.


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