Emotions, Mood & Clothing Colors

As I was reading a newsletter referencing an article around emotions, mood and clothing colors, my creative juices started to flow! I knew there was a lesson just waiting to be written on the topic. So, today’s post “emotions, mood and clothing colors” can be used as a talking points lesson as you teach about fashion, capsule wardrobes or even with the selection of fabric color for constructing a garment.


  • Begin by asking students to create a single flash slide (any color, theme and font) that includes and answers the following prompts:
    • What is your favorite color to wear?
    • Share ONE word that represents how you feel when you are wearing this color?
    • Briefly explain why it is your favorite… and/or…
    • Share a personal connection or experience you have to this color.
    • Include one wardrobe (clothing) image of something you wear that represents this favorite color.
  • Provide each student a couple of minutes to share their single flash slide with the class.


  • Laptops or iPads
  • Projector & Screen
  • Crayons or Colored Pencils


  • Once students have shared their flash slide, have them complete what I call a “Guess & Check” activity. Explain that each color represents a variety of emotions and mood. Give students the handout with descriptions, have them label (in pencil) the color they think the descriptions are representing. 
  • Share and discuss as a class.  When correct answers are provided, have students label and fill in the blocks with appropriate color with crayons or colored pencils.
  • Have students go back to their flash slide and ask if the ONE word they used to represent their feelings when wearing this color showed up on the list.
  • Provide students with the article titled, “Can Wearing Certain Colors Affect Your Mood?” and complete the “Active Read”. Note: This is the same article I read that sparked this lesson.
  • Assign students one of the projects below as an assessment: #1: Pop Culture Fashion & Clothing Choices or #2: the Capsule Wardrobe project. If using the Capsule Wardrobe project, the students curate with their favorite color(s) in mind.
  • Project #1: Pop Culture Fashion & Clothing Color Project. Color can be tied to many personal, cultural and entertainment experiences, including pop culture. Your goal is to select examples from pop culture that illustrate and reflect the mood and emotions from the scene that corresponds with the wardrobe color the character is wearing.  In the template, I share an example from the Netflix movie, The Red Notice, to illustrate what I’m looking for. Once students have their examples, they delete mine and add their own, changing the slide to make it their own.
  • Project #2: Capsule Wardrobe Project. You may have to tweak this lesson to include students favorite colors and add some questions pertaining to and connecting the emotions and mood of their selections.
  • Once projects are finished, if time permits, you can have students share their examples of either project with the class!


Image by kesie91 from Pixabay

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