Food Allergens

Teachers Pay Teachers seller, Arlene Meckes, and I teamed up to collaborate on this Food Allergens lesson! You might know her from Twins and Teaching on TPT. This lesson offers an overview of common food allergens combined with some critical thinking and problem solving activities for the students to apply what they’ve learned. So, if you are in need of a food allergens lesson, be sure to check it out in her wonderful store!


  • Begin this lesson with a brainstorming style activity called “Cover the Table” (see attachments). This activity helps me to see what students know about the topic of “Food Allergies” prior to teaching the lesson.


  • iPad or Laptop
  • Projector & Screen


  • Present the background information about food allergies that includes statistics, cause and effect if consumed, common allergens, regulations and what to do if serving someone with a food allergy.
  • Optional: View the YouTube video titled, “How to Avoid the Big 8 Food Allergies” to reinforce the information presented.
  • One activity provides students with a couple of scenarios and asks them what to do in the situation. This is a great way to discuss proper food handling procedures/safety as well at potential consequences.
  • Another activity asks students to read and analyze ingredient labels to determine which foods are safe and which are not given the food allergy.
  • The third activity provides students with a recipe and a scenario challenges them to create a new recipe that accommodates the dietary restriction.


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