This lesson comes to you from Katelyn Propper….once again, THANK YOU for sharing and helping us all be great together! The Friendship lesson can be taught as an E-Learning assignment, but also would be a great addition to the traditional classroom if you teach about healthy interpersonal relationships. I know I intend to incorporate Katelyn’s Friendship lesson into my Individual & Family Studies class in the next school year!
- Students can take notes over the Types of Friendship PPT from UEN under Standard 3 (also attached). OR…If they have the Interpersonal Relationships textbook from GoodHeart – Wilcox students can read and take notes over the Friendship Chapter (8.1). (Typically the book is Katelyn’s preferred method for this as students are placed into groups and assigned a chapter to read, take notes and share as a class, but for E-learning the PPT was used as an alternative.
- After students have taken notes, they complete the Friendship Worksheet. This is to help prepare them for the project. It gives them background information they will need and the Forky asks a Question video is used as an example.
- iPad or Laptop
- Projector & Screen
- Storyboard That Website
- Students are assigned the Friendship Project, and Planning Guide.
- First, students review the project guideline paper and view a Storyboard Instruction video to help give them an idea of what they will be working with.
- Students complete the Planning Guide, organizing their ideas.
- Once the planning guide is ready to go, students create a free account at Storyboard That and have 3 days to create their project since classes are only 20 minutes long. If they were in the classroom this would be about 60 minutes of class time.
- Their storyboard needs to include the following:
- Two qualities of a good friend.
- Three activities friends do together.
- One quality of someone who is NOT a friend.
- One final summarizing statement about what a good friend is
- When the Storyboard is finished, students save it, download it as a PDF and then upload it to Google Classroom.
- Students then evaluate themselves and their work on the scoring guide at the end of the project guide sheet.
Extended Activities
- Katelyn shares that if she were teaching this in the traditional classroom, she would add a section on bullying.
- Students would learn about the different types of bullying, researching what bullying is, the different types of bullying such as cyber, physical, emotional, sexual, and verbal and then discuss as a class.
- She then would have them watch the film A Girl Like Her (or if you have Netflix, you might be able to preview it if it’s still there), and view the aftermath videos. Katelyn likes the aftermath videos because it takes it one step further and shows the consequences both have for their actions.
- Students would then do a quick review of what’s happening and how it affects each character (family, and friends) and discuss as a class periodically throughout the film. We also would discuss if they see behavior like this in their school, and what they can do. This involves what they can do personally, but also who they can go to for help.
- Once they have finished it, the Bullying Brochure Project is assigned.
- UEN Friendship PPT (website)
- Friendship Worksheet (please make a copy)
- Friendship Planning Guide (please make a copy)
- Friendship Project Guidelines (please make a copy)
- Bullying Brochure Project (please make a copy)
Photo by Tim Mossholder from Pexels
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