One of my classes was on the small side this year so I asked them if there was anything in particular they wanted to learn about regarding food. They very promptly provided me with a list! I wish I could get some of their assignments that quickly! LOL! Anyway, one of the items on their list was salads…in a jar! Having been to a salad in a jar party where each person brought an ingredient to share, I thought this would be a fun lesson and lab to put together. I also thought I’d try my hand at putting the lesson together as a HyperDoc where students could work their way through the background information in an independent, self-directed way. Even if you don’t feel comfortable giving students the HyperDoc, I find it’s a great way to keep myself and my resources organized!
- Engage students in a little trivia since “Salads in a jar” are not an entirely new concept… Ask them What year did McDonald’s introduce their McSalad Shakers? The 3 types of McSalad Shakers that were offered. And, what container did McDonald’s use for these salads?
- Laptops or iPads
- Colored Pencils
- Mason Jars ( I provided some from home, but most students brought their own.)
- Salad Ingredients
- Phones or Digital Cameras (if not using iPads)
- Read the article “How to Make a Mason Jar Salad” and use it to complete the following: Why salads in a jar? List 3 benefits. And…According to the article, list the order and amounts salad ingredients should be added to the jar, working from the bottom of the jar to the top.
- If you want to review the order with your students as a bell ringer or quiz review, cut apart and place in an envelope the strips in the Order the Jar activity found below.
- An optional YouTube video to show when doing salads in a jar is titled “Healthy Jam Jar Salads with Jamie Oliver“.
- Using the list of provided ingredients (you can adapt to what you wish to include) and the jar template. Ask students to circle the foods they’d include in their jar salad and then they are to sketch the salad in the jar, in the correct order, based on their notes. Students must also create an original name for their salad that they will use later.
- Students will actually prepare their salads in a jar during a class lab and they will be able to come in at lunch time to get and eat in the cafeteria. This is also a good way to promote what you are doing in your class! Prior to eating their salad, students must take a picture of their salad in a jar and use the PicMonkey app to edit and write the original name they gave their salad and upload the edited photo to Goggle Classroom. While students are eating their salads, they are to take a “selfie” eating their salad or get someone to take a photo of them eating their salad and they share that with me via Google Classroom.
- After eating their salad, students must clean and return their jar and they must go to Answer Garden and share their reaction to their salad they created as a way to reflect on the lab.(Note: You will have to create your own, but it’s easy and it’s free!)
- SaladsinaJarHyperdoc.docx (all inclusive)
- OrdertheJarSaladReview.docx (PDF)
- CreateaSaladinaJar.docx (PDF)
- SaladinaJarIngredients (WORD)