Category: Living on Your Own

Air Fryer & Pressure Cooker Lesson Plan

Hailing from Ohio, Becky Bucher not only wrote and received a grant making it possible for her to get combination air fryers and pressure cookers for her class, but
she also created and shared this awesome lesson around them!  The Air Fryer & Pressure Cooker Lesson Plan is full of activities that will help her students get acquainted with it in her new Foods classes in the upcoming school year. So, if you have this small appliance or plan to get one, continue reading to see what she’s doing.

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Cooking with Foil Packets

If you enjoy making these delicious Cooking with Foil Packets (Campfire Stew) over a fire while camping, now you can make them anytime, at school or home, in the convenience of your oven. It’s a great way to incorporate a variety of nutrients and food groups!

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Talking Points: Cost Per Serving vs Price Per Pound

If you teach lessons on different meats or you teach about shopping and consumer skills or you teach both, this Talking Points: Cost per Serving vs Price per Pound activity may be a good option for you. This activity could easily be incorporated as a stand alone lesson or an extension activity or even a sub plan when you know you will be out, but want students to have a meaningful assignment.

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On Your Own: Investigating Streaming Services

Television is so different today compared to when I was young!  Back in the day, we had one tv that got three major network channels and one PBS station for free. Cable was available in certain areas (not rural) at a cost. Television services have come a long way!  Now, there are so many options to choose from and being able to sort it all out requires some level of comparison and analysis.  This On Your Own: Investigating Streaming Services project requires students to do just that given specific budget parameters. This real world activity shows what many of them take for granted because their parents are paying the bill and they have no idea what’s involved!

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Canned Soup Challenge

Canned soup may be viewed as a quick and easy meal, albeit boring, generic, and bland. However, who says that canned soup has to be eaten as is? With a bit of creativity and a few extra ingredients, possibilities are endless when it comes to kicking up a little ‘ole can of soup. Why not show your students how to do this by assigning them the Canned Soup Challenge and then let them loose in the kitchen? To round it out, bring in judges to taste and evaluate their final products.

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Kitchen Safety Categories & Activities

When teaching basic kitchen skills, one of the first lessons I teach is kitchen safety. To me, kitchen safety is primarily about common sense so I don’t spend a ton of time on it, but emphasize it frequently throughout the course and labs. The “Kitchen Safety Categories & Activities” is one that can be used in both a digital drag & drop style or hand’s on cut & paste style depending on your situation.

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Talking Points: Home Decor Trends

The definition of a trend is a general direction in which something is developing or changing. In the world of interior design, trends are constantly changing. Decor that was “in” is now suddenly on it’s way “out” and vice versa! In this Talking Points: Home Decor Trends, students will explore current home decor trends and then create a moodboard for a specific room that incorporates the trends in a cohesive manner.

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Famous Failures & Mindset

Sometimes teens think life and accomplishments are easy for everyone else but themselves. So not true! I love using examples of famous failures to show that sometimes one must fail in order to succeed, especially in the world of work. The Famous Failures & Mindset lessons and activities will help drive that message home.

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Paycheck Stations

Paycheck Stations is a digital activity created while we were remote last year to help students get a better understanding of the concepts asssociated with earning a paycheck. However, the materials associated with each of the paycheck stations can easily be printed and placed at actual stations within your room for completion. It’s a great way to get students engaged and moving!

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First Apartment: Living Room Budget Project

Many young people today think they are going to go out there and have their “dream” apartment (like they see on TV), complete with top of the line furnishings, etc.  Realistically, most will find they will be grateful for any free or hand-me-down furnishings (although they don’t realize that now).  I wanted students to create a “dream” living room where money was no object.  Their furnishings were based on their personal style, using the web-based technology Polyvore Home and they had to keep a list of expenses. Then, they had to replicate the room on a reduced budget as closely as possible using online department stores, again keeping track of their expenses.  Not only did this project end up being an eye-opener for them in terms of cost, but they learned they could have a similar look, spending much less money. Oh, and did I mention, they also had a lot of fun “decorating and shopping” for a period or two!

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