Category: Housing

FACS Content Related Documentaries

There are a ton of documentaries out there related to Family & Consumer Sciences.  I’ve compiled a list by content area and included links to both the documentary and a viewing or discussion guide, if it was available, for easy access. Documentaries can make great sub plans especially when you know you are going to be gone for a few days!  Please share, in the comment section below, any documentaries that you use that you do not see listed and I will add them along with any viewing or discussion guides.

Deciphering Apartment Lingo

Finding an apartment, understanding the lingo and reading a lease should be skills that all young adults know how to do as they take on adulting responsibilities! I begin this lesson by having students decipher some common abbreviations that I’ve seen/heard used via an interactive game. Students then move onto deciphering actual apartment lingo, work with sample ads, read the classifieds (which may be foreign to some students) and eventually read and answer some questions pertaining to an apartment lease. This at least gives them an idea of what’s involved when the time comes for them to actually find an apartment!

Ideas for Teaching Color Schemes

Whether teaching about fashion or interior decorating, color is an important concept to include. Believe it or not there is a lot of depth and meaning associated with choosing color and using it in design and decorating. Check out the resources below for some colorful ideas!

Hands On with Housing Styles

So many houses, so many styles! How do you choose which styles to teach? You randomly assign the more common styles to your students and let them share their information with the class in a cooperative, interactive manner, of course! That way, all students receive the information, but are only responsible for researching one style. Accordingly, if you are giving students a quiz or test on the materials, you can tailor it to the styles selected by your students by having them create the questions as part of their assignment!

College Dorm Shopping Project

Shopping for a dorm is a necessary task if you are heading to college, and can be quite a daunting experience if you’ve never done it before! It seems like college students today need a lot more as incoming freshman than what I ever needed in four years of college (many moons ago)! I discovered this when preparing to send my first born off to college a few years ago and as we look forward to repeating it with child number two next summer. Having that experience prompted me to create this project to help students see what colleges suggest they bring and the cost involved. It also allows them to discern between what they will truly use and need versus what they don’t, eliminating a lot of excess spending! This is a real eye-opener for students as they prepare for moving into dormitory living!

Halloween in the FACS Classroom

You may ask yourself “How does Halloween fit into the FACS classroom?”, but actually there are a variety of ways and areas you can incorporate this event or holiday into your classes. If you have any additional ideas after perusing the list below, please share via the “Be A Part” tab above or the comment section below. Happy Halloween!

Community Service Ideas for the FACS Classroom

Once upon a time in my school we had what were called “Activity Periods” that altered the normal school schedule for one day a week, allowing students to join clubs that met during that period. Another teacher and I ran what we called “The Give Back Club” which was basically a club where we did community service projects that “gave back” to the community. Those activity periods gave way to more class time due to state testing long ago, but I still like to involve my students in community service projects throughout the year, depending on the topics, lessons and units we are covering. Below are a variety of easy, inexpensive projects that students can create to help give back to their communities. If you have any other suggestions, please let me know in the comment section below.

Design a Tile Project

What do you do when your custodian has leftover tiles from various school projects? Ask him if you can have them for a class project! That’s what Laurie Hagberg, a FACS teacher from Mankato West High School, Minnesota did. Laurie uses these tiles in a refurbished coaster project in her Interior Design class that not only reinforces the color schemes, but show’s her students how they can recycle items into gifts for their future homes, apartments and/or dorms. Students enjoy this creative, hands-on project and are excited to take them home!

Haunted House Project

Looking for a project, other than book work, to assign his housing class Joseph Bauer, a FACS teacher from Jefferson City High School Missouri, got a creative idea. Having already covered floor plan drawings, both top and side view designs and making scale models of bedrooms using shoe boxes, he wanted the next project to be more challenging and exciting. Combine that with the fact that it was the time in the year when Halloween was in the air and you end up with a hauntingly cool project!!

Kitchens of the Future: Design Project

This past spring Ikea joined Concept Kitchen 2025 at the Milan Design week to explore how the kitchen “as we know it” will change in the future. Concept Kitchen 2025 surveyed students from Lund University and the Eindhoven University of Technology about their assumptions of the kitchen in ten years and then teamed up with Ideo innovative design firm to develop prototypes for the future 2025 kitchen. According to the analysis the kitchen of the future will include more technology, and will be more practical and environmental. This whole concept had “project” for CTE & STEM class or an Interior Design class written all over it. So…below you will find some ideas of how to incorporate this into your curriculum.