Food Spotlight: Musubi

If you’ve ever watched cooking shows or competitions, then you know there are some interesting foods out there; some you’ve heard of before and maybe some you haven’t. So, I’m starting a series called Food Spotlight where I pick an interestingly named food and highlight it as a mini-lesson and lab. The first of the series is “Food Spotlight: Musubi“. Check it out and if you have any interesting foods you’d like me to explore and develop, sent me an email.


  • Choose one or more of the following ways to introduce this food to your students as a bell ringer.
    • Option #1:  Word Scramble–Unscramble the letters to reveal the name of the food/dish: I S U B U M.
    • Option #2:  Musubi Sketch Challenge: What is a MUSUBI? Draw  a simple sketch of what you believe a musubi is. Hint: It is a food.
    • Option #3: Multiple Choice Prompt: Give students the following prompt and have them select what they believe to be the correct answer from the choices.  What is musubi?  A) A type of Japanese martial art  B) A traditional Hawaiian dish  C) A famous landmark in Tokyo  D) A type of Japanese tea ceremony
  • Based on the bell-ringer(s) selected, have students share their ideas and/or answers.
  • Explain that it is a food/dish that you will be learning more about before preparing in the lab.


  • iPads or Laptops
  • Projector & Screen
  • Food Supplies for Lab


  • Using the What’s Cooking America Website as a resource, assign students the Food Spotlight: Musubi document (see attachments) to learn more about this traditional Hawaiian dish.
  • Within the food spotlight assignment, students will view the Struggle Meal episode featuring how to prepare Musubi with Chef Frankie Celenza via YouTube and answer some questions.  This will help them understand what will be going on in the lab when they actually prepare the dish.
  • Also, within the documents, students will explore other uses of musubi key ingredient SPAM from their website.
  • Once students have background knowledge of this dish and how to prepare it, it’s time to fill out their lab sheets before heading to the kitchen to prepare. I did not include pre-lab questions separately for this recipe as much of it was covered in the spotlight document so you may want to review.
  • This lab can easily be prepared within the 43 minute class period.
  • After students have prepared the dish, have them share their reactions and whether they liked it or not and why.



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