Who doesn’t love chocolate? For me, dark chocolate hits the spot! Every. Single. Time! If you are a chocoholic or just enjoy the taste, you may also enjoy the following resources for teaching about chocolate. Many can be used in this world of remote teaching, but can also be used in the traditional classroom!
Online Resources & Lessons
- The Story of Chocolate by Young Minds Inspired includes a compete program of resources from activities, to booklets, to posters and even how it aligns to standards. Best of all, it’s free!
- The Story of Chocolate Website includes a variety of interesting fun facts about chocolate.
- Chocolate: The New Health Food or Is It? This resource is from ACS Chemistry for Life and includes an article and emergency lesson plan which may be helpful if you teach a food science course.
- Chocolate – the Sweet History of the World’s Favorite Flavor – printable text! A Teachers Pay Teachers freebie geared towards middle school.
- The History of Chocolate–another Teachers Pay Teachers freebie geared towards middle school.
- Chocolate Fun Facts (Interactive Notebook Activity) Distance Learning for middle school; a freebie from Teachers Pay Teachers.
- The History of Chocolate Timeline–a freebie from Teachers Pay Teachers.
- Chocolate Research a free project from Teachers Pay Teachers.
- Chocolate Test Categories— fun personality descriptions based on candy bar favorites–free resource from TPT.
- Chocolate Making from Scratch | How to Make Everything: Chocolate Bar (YouTube)
- Playing with ChocolateāCocoa Powder, Tempering, and More (YouTube)
- The History of Chocolate (Ted Ed)
- The Art of Darkness Good Eats Episode--(affiliate link) available on Amazon Prime for a couple of bucks
Lab Ideas & Recipes
- Teachers Pay Teachers Freebie: How To Make Chocolate Sauce With No Mess
- How to Make Chocolate Dipped Strawberries and Oreo Cookies Video; a TPT freebie
- Life Skills Cooking-Chocolate Covered Pretzels–freebie from TPT.
- (The Sweet Sweet) Density of Dark and Milk Chocolate Lab -TPT freebie.
- Rich Chocolate Brownies Recipe free from TPT.
- Chocolate Banana Smoothie Recipe–TPT free resource.
- Sweet & Salty Chocolate Bark
- Make Easy Chocolate Coins at Home
- How to Make Oreo BonBons
- Three Ingredient Chocolate Mousse (Parade Magazine)
- Chocolate Lava Cakes (Food Network)