COPE24 is seeking to partner with school districts, specifically high schools that have identified that student behavior is often a direct result of what is going on in their home. To break that cycle, COPE24 is looking for schools and teachers who recognize the need to make parenting and child development education a priority within their educational structure. Continue reading to learn more about the COPE24: Grant Opportunity.
A grant for up to 100 schools has been authorized from direct support of COPE24’s sponsors and donors. No matter where your school falls on the scale – starting up a new parenting, child development, family or adult living, human relations, or family health – or continuing an established program, or even seeking to grow, you qualify for this grant. The successful grantee should be able to demonstrate their plan and growth within this academic area through this application process. This grant will include the gifting of our education videos and curriculum products to your school and program. Current offerings include…
- Cope24 Parenting Programs
- Documentaries:
- The Life Sentence
- Life-Line
- Parenting Under the Influence