Heading to Missouri’s (MoEFACS) Summer Conference!

In just a few short days, I will be presenting at the Missouri State (MoEFACS) summer conference! I’ve been invited to present a couple of sessions! I’m excited to be sharing some brand new lessons and resources with participants and to finally meet so many teachers face-to-face that I’ve had the pleasure of corresponding with via email over the years!

So, if you would, please keep me in your thoughts…

  • as I fly out on Sunday and return on Friday. Hopefully all flights are on schedule and the weather cooperates for safe travels!
  • as I present on Monday and Thursday! May I be calm as I share with other awesome, creative and professional FACS teachers!
  • that all of my technology will actually work and function correctly throughout the conference!

When I return, I will be gearing up the website with more lessons and activities as we think about or begin preparing for another school year!

Photo by HAL9001 on Unsplash

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