Task Rotation Learning Grids for the FACS Classroom

Looking for a thought provoking way to introduce a topic or concept via YouTube clip, poem, quote, short story, or song lyrics that engage students from beginning to end?  The task rotation learning grid, based on the book So, Each May Learn: Integrating Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences by Harvey F. Silver, Richard W. Strong and Matthew Perini, challenges students to think about and complete activities about a topic from four learning style perspectives:  mastery, understanding, interpersonal and self-expression.

Time Frame:  One class period (43 minutes)

Class Size:  16


  • Engage students when introducing a new topic or concept with a variety of learning style activities.


  • Typically, I have students view or read materials on the introductory topic one time without the grid.  Then I provide students the task rotation learning style grid and have them view or read the materials again, if necessary, before completing the learning activities.  Usually I have students wait to complete the self-expression block until after we discuss the first three blocks to make sure they understand the materials.  The self-expression is often used as a concluding activity or exit slip.

Grid Overview

  • Mastery:  What is the basic meaning behind your video, visual, poem, lyrics or text?
  • Understanding:  Challenge students to apply evidence of their interpretation and application materials.
  • Interpersonal:  How can your students personally relate to this material?  How does the material make them feel?
  • Self-Expression:  How do your students personally apply and express their knowledge of this material in a written or creative way?  This can be an individual or group activity.

Grid Topics & Activities



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