Another great way to earn some money is to put on dinner and movie nights for your school. The culinary students can prepare the food and price out the cost per ticket. Have a class discussion to decide what students…
Tag: public speaking
Small Appliance Cooking Assignment
My life skills students actually came up with this lesson. This particular class happened to be a class full of guys and they convinced me that simple cooking skills were something that they should learn before they graduate. Of course they also loved to eat…thus the birth of this lesson–cooking with small appliances!
Bag Market
A one day mini lesson on fashion marketing coupled with a bag design competition. This lesson is especially good for an introduction to fashion design.
Food Network Cake Project
Food Network is very popular among my students so I decided to have them create their own show! I specifically have them demonstrate how to make a cake in front of the class but this idea can be tailored to any unit that lends itself to student demonstrations.