First off, a big THANK YOU to Marissa Maltz for adapting the original Piaget Based Play-doh Mats (revised for remote learning) assignment. Marissa shared her revised Piaget Play-doh Mat Project sample with me via Facebook and I think she did an amazing job making it remote learning friendly! If you have adapted any of the lessons from this site for remote learning, I would love for you to share them back so I can post for others, just like Marissa did with the Piaget play-doh mat project! You can contact or share with me via email: Remember, we are all in this together!
Tag: Piaget
Piaget Based Play-doh Mats
Instead of having students make the busy books at the end of the Piaget Relational Concepts lesson, I created this Piaget based Play-doh mats project. In doing so, I found students to be just as engaged, if not more so, the projects were a lot neater and overall, found it was a more interactive and creative assignment that reinforced the relational concepts! It’s a keeper!
Piaget’s Relational Concepts & Busy Book Project
Piaget is probably one of my most favorite theorists to teach about! I “get” his theory of how children learn and the stages or periods they go through. I’ve seen it in action with many of the preschoolers that participated in our school’s Circle Time program as well as in my own children! I think the other reason I really like teaching this theory is because it’s so “hands on” and interactive! If you’ve never taught about Piaget’s relational concepts, check out below lesson, activities and project.