Category: Life Skills

43 Minute Lab Series: Baked French Toast

After noticing continuous requests for lab suggestions that are doable in 43 minute class periods, I’ve decided to do a recurring series, featuring recipes that can be completed from beginning to end in a 43 minute time frame. In some cases, longer recipes will broken into two day labs. In addition, I will include my pre-lab review questions that pertain specifically to the recipe. This helps to ensure that students are reading the recipe. It also allows me time to show any videos that may demonstrate the product or specific techniques. So, without further ado, I present the 43 Minute Lab Series: Baked French Toast!

Calculating Baby Costs

As I was going through some files, I came across an assignment I created that incorporated math skills for Calculating Baby Costs. Since the prices were a bit outdated, I decided to update it and share it with you. It can be a real eye-opener for students into the reality of what consumables cost for babies. Additionally, they see a real life example of where they will use and apply math skills in life!

Make Your Own Series: BISQUICK

I don’t know about you, but I love making my own mixes for products that are conveniently made for us and sold at big box stores. Some reasons I like to make
my own are they are generally cheaper, quantities needed can be easily adjusted based on the recipe, it can be made easily by students as part of a lab and then used in future labs and most importantly….I know exactly what is in the product!  No weird, unpronounceable ingredients! So in this Make Your Own Series, I’ll be sharing products that can easily be made from scratch, using basic, common ingredients. In this Make Your Own Series: Bisquick is the first mix I’ll be sharing.

Sew Powerful Purse Project

If you are looking to incorporate a meaningful sewing project that also serves as a way to help others, then you need to check out this Sew Powerful Purse Project. This project is designed to keep girls in Zambia in school for the entire month and help them achieve academic success. The pattern is provided for free along with a helpful video tutorial. Even if you don’t have time to add this service project to your curriculum right now, it does give you time to plan for next year!

Food Spotlight: Musubi

If you’ve ever watched cooking shows or competitions, then you know there are some interesting foods out there; some you’ve heard of before and maybe some you haven’t. So, I’m starting a series called Food Spotlight where I pick an interestingly named food and highlight it as a mini-lesson and lab. The first of the series is “Food Spotlight: Musubi”. Check it out and if you have any interesting foods you’d like me to explore and develop, sent me an email.

Whose Role Is It?

When teaching about the family life cycle, I like to focus on some specific topics within the stages.  Whose Role Is It? is an activity used within the beginning stage. This is a really engaging activity that generates a lot of discussion, sometimes heated at that! So if you’re looking for a hands-on activity to get students thinking and talking, this is for you!

Communication Origami

We all know that a necessary skill for personal, home, or professional life is being able to communicate effectively, but do high school students realize this?  One
way to test their skills is through this Communication Origami activity! Great for all age levels!

Autism Mini-Lesson

April is National Autism awareness month so I thought it would be a good time to share a mini-lesson on the subject. The Autism Mini-Lesson gives an overview of Autism, dispelling the myths from the facts and culminating with an awareness project. This would be a great addition to your disabilities unit or use as a stand alone for your child development or parenting classes.

Which Bag is Best?

Earth Day is right around the corner and if you’re in need of a lesson and activity around sustainability, then you definitely want to check out “Which Bag is Best?”. In this lesson, students explore various types of bags and then use their critical thinking skills and the decision making model to make an informed decision. Additionally, students will make an earth-friendly repurposed bag from a t-shirt in class that can be used for their gym clothes or shopping.  Don’t have sewing machines?  Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered!

Love Project

When teaching about healthy dating relationships, it’s important to explore where we get our ideas about love! Why? Considering how the media dramatizes everything, often making it difficult to discern the realistic (healthy/positive) from the unrealistic (unhealthy/negative), the Love Project has students exploring a variety of media sources to analyze and deconstruct the message. Continue reading to learn more!