Category: 4 C’s

Communication Styles

After teaching my students about communication skills, I decided to spend a couple of days going over the different communication styles. The three communication styles consist of passive, aggressive and assertive. The best part of this lesson was the enthusiam my students exhibited when creating video skits of the communication styles based on selected scenarios. Wonder why? The video skits was their idea, so naturally they bought into it!

Post-Secondary Options: Decision Making Scenario

Back again with another interactive decision making scenario! This one focuses on making future decisions post graduation. In the Post-Secondary Options: Decision Making Scenario students are introduced to Chris who is trying to decide which direction to go in order to pursue a career of interest. Like the other scenarios I’ve shared, students work together as a group to help Chris make an informed decision!

All About Me: Hexagonal Doodle Blocks

I have been implementing hexagonal block activities in my classroom for the past couple of years and wanted to find a way to utilize them at the beginning of the year. Because our students will all be returning in person, the “All About Me: Hexagonal Doodle Blocks” will be a great way to ease them back from remote/cyber learning and help all of us reestablish relationships with this creative, hands-on activity.

The Wild Unicorn Game

So excited to share “The Wild Unicorn Game” created by the talented Tisha Richmond! Tisha is a Student Engagement & PD Specialist and Canvas Coordinator and former FACS teacher from Oregon. You may be familiar with her blog, podcast and book titled, “Make Learning Magical” (affiliate link) which offer a variety of engaging teaching and gamification activities! Read on to find out more about how to play “The Wild Unicorn Game!”

Pregnancy Towers–Month by Month

Teaching the changes associated with pregnancy and the developing baby can be challenging! You know that if you just give students the information to read, they won’t! But, if you create an assignment that combines technology with hands-on that forces them to interact with the information, it’s a win-win for all! Thus, the Pregnancy Tower project was created!