Author: M.Sandoval

Creepy Crawly Yummy Bug Recipes

In many parts of the world people eat insects as part of their daily diets. Bugs are high in protein and have even been stated as possibly being the answer to the world’s hunger problems. Let your students decide for themselves by exploring entomophagy (bug eating) through this fear facing f0od lesson.

Little Dresses for Africa

Want an easy sewing project that help your students and school feel good too? Nancy’s Notions, a popular sewing tools & pattern store have come up with this charitable project for African children–a Pillow case re-purposed into a little girl’s dress.

Edmodo: A Classroom Community Network

Good, free educational technology is a great thing. Create a private Facebook-like community for your specific class. It’s free to sign up and easy to use especially if you have used Facebook before. Keep your class engaged in learning beyond the classroom.

Child Development Theory & Finger Puppet Show

How do babies grow and develop? We were all there once and of course there are several theories on how we develop socially, emotionally, and cognitively. This lesson is a intro type lesson to the general concept of theorists and child development theory.

How it’s Made: Silk Trim

On a recent visit to Lyon, France I came across a silk trim factory open for tours so of course I paid a visit. Ever wondered how silk trim is made? Quick PowerPoint -great time filler if you finish a lesson early.

Pop Tarts from Scratch

I don’t know if you like pop tarts or not but they have a large student following. Personally I think the crust tastes like cardboard but I guess kids don’t notice. Why not learn how to make kid’s favorite snack from scratch and turn it into an experiment?

Subway Economics

This lesson follows a case study of a busy couple that is challenged by one of their coworker’s to figure out whether it is cheaper to make sandwiches or buy them from Subway. Students get a chance to apply their critical thinking & problem solving skills to a practical problem as well as get a chance to learn basic math in Excel.