Food Preparation Video Project

There’s a big push in education to incorporate more technology into the classroom!  Because of this, Kara Emig of Oxford, PA  wanted to develop a project that would be interesting to her students.  She also wanted them to  be able to add their own element of creativity.  The fun and engaging food preparation video project she designed has students creating their own recipe videos just like the ones you see all over social media!  Kara’s students created their videos during the cookie unit, but the beauty of this project is that it is versatile enough to use with any food unit!


  • Apply correct measuring techniques
  • Apply correct food preparation skills
  • Follow appropriate safety guidelines


  • iPad, iPhone or Any Movie Recording Device
  • iMovie or Movie Making Technology
  • Projector & Screen


  • The first day of the project, Kara introduces the lesson and shows examples of both good and bad videos. Kara provided a link to her YouTube Channel which she recommends showing the Peanut Butter Reindeer Cookie and Christmas Meringue Cookie videos as great examples and Monkey Bread and Peanut Butter Ball videos as “not so great” examples (just scroll through).  Students then look for a recipe and start planning their own video.
  • On the second day, students get their recipe approved and fill out the video planning sheet for each frame of the video so they are prepared to record.
  • Days 3 and 4 are used to prepare the recipe while recording.
  • Finally, Day 5 (6) are for students to put together their clips to make the recipe video.



Photo by Avel Chuklanov on Unsplash

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